mab... what type of lane conditions do you bowl on.. or are you just looking for a well rounded 3 ball lineup...
if you already have the No Mercy with drilling pattern 1, i would suggest definitely picking up a black widow to be a step below your No Mercy. Not only is it a step below but is the number 1 ball on the market and has a great versatility.
a ball below that will definitely have to be a pearl of some sort. I would definitely suggest a Doom. It has great basic pearl characteristics and is not too snappy off the break depending on the drilling you place on it. If you had more room in your arsenal i would also suggest a Purple Vibe for drier conditions when the Doom became a little too much ball.
The Toxic is also a great ball. I have been seeing those Green and Silver Monsters all over the racks. It is extremely clean through the heads but has a very snappy break point, more so than the Doom. So if you wanted a snappier pearl than the Doom you could definitely go that route as well.
All of the balls currently out from Hammer are fantastic and no matter what you get your not gonna go wrong. keep me posted on how things progress with your ball selections and if you would like possible drilling suggestions just pm me.
hope everything works out for you and your current and future Hammer equipment
Mason Sherman
Hammer Amateur Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."
Talk is Cheap, Just Bring it...