1. Ball Color (preferred color and/or shelf appeal, also what colors do you prefer)
2. Name/Label (does it look cool or catch your attention, also favorite name/label)
3. Ball Motion (what particular motion to you look for most, i.e.: skid/flip, more midlane rolling motion...)
I am a track legion member, but would be happy to entertain:
3, 2, 1
3)Ball Motion- rolly(more midlane) & hard arcing (kinetic Energy)
2)Name/Label- catch my attention (Track- rising line)
1)Ball Color- rising s.e(reminded me of the red pill from the matrix going down the lane. The most interesting is the Tantrum- similar to a menstrating vomit ball moving down the lane, but the reaction you get more than enough compensates.
"When there's no hope, defend yourself without mercy, compassion or remorse"