I have seen the Toxic roll well for High Rev Players... a more rolly layout has to be put out on it to get it to start its motion and get that snap at the proper time... most pinup layouts on this ball wind up pushing passed the break and being extremely over under due to the skid snappy nature of the ball itself...
pin axis is a definite money layout on this ball... also the Rico1 layout works great on this ball because its still clean through the heads with the pearl cover and has great recovery as well...
i have mine pin 1 inch below my bridge with the cg at a 45 degree andgle with an x-hole at 45 degrees as well... this ball rolled great when i bwoled the pba experience league on the U S Open pattern and recently rolled an 811 series with it.. i have a NIB Toxic downstairs next to my TV and im trying to decide what im gonna experiment with on this one...
low rev players also benefit from this ball because of the delayed hooking power it has and with slow ball speed it is great for many bowlers along with the low rev rate because of its natural recovery...
another good layout for this ball that i have suggested to a few bowlers in my home center is to go with a leverage layout... gets the ball to rev up sooner and still has backend motion because of the snappy pearl cover...
but back to Sand Man, good luck with making the right move to Hammer... it seems that your success is only beginning for you and the Hammer Equipment and wish you the best with your new equipment.. and dont forget when you get a chance grab a Raw Hammer Doom... that is a must have for any Hammer Head :-D
If you have any questions about Hammer stuff hit me up
Mason Sherman
Hammer Amateur Staff
Turbo 2-In-1 Grips Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."