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Author Topic: Taboo Spare....more than a spare ball!  (Read 2729 times)

Doug Sterner

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Taboo Spare....more than a spare ball!
« on: December 06, 2011, 01:03:15 PM »
After having some serious issues in the last 2 weeks, I decided to drill up the Taboo spare I bought off my one customer. I had been using a Grape Vibe which, suddenly, started hooking out of the house. So I switched to my old Blue Hammer and it was better but the ball still picked up pretty quick and I had little mistake room. I tried a Navy resin Hammer that I picked up from a BR member and I don't recall that ball EVER hooking that much but it did...still too much. So as a last resort I grabbed my lone surviving Lane 1 ball.....a black XXXL. Much to my surprise it proved to be just the ticket.
So I decided to drill up the Taboo Spare to keep my bag all Hammer. All I have to say is that I am seriously impressed. I laid the ball out pretty aggressive....40x4x45 with a 31/32x 2" hole on my PAP. The ball works very well and hits great for a plastic ball. I used it with the box finish but feel that taking the gloss off the ball would make it a great THS ball for the bowler with higher rev rates.
The Taboo spare allowed me to play the outside of the lane and get back into my comfort zone, which I have not been able to do with anything resin. The facts are that I not only shot my high series of the season but my 2nd high series of my career.....278-235-259 = 772......3 clean games, no missed spares.
The ball is definitely more than a spare ball....nice job Hammer!!!

Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
RotoGrip Star Pro Shop

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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: Taboo Spare....more than a spare ball!
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2011, 09:23:42 PM »
Congrats! Doug. Great bowling.
I'm sure you had more than a little bit to do with that score.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Taboo Spare....more than a spare ball!
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2011, 09:57:25 PM »
 Glad to hear doug. Send me a pm if you decide to get rid of that grape vibe!


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Re: Taboo Spare....more than a spare ball!
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2011, 11:02:14 AM »
I've been thinking about drilling up my Taboo spare ball for the house shot also. I've been playing to the outside with a 5inch pin cell pearl. Playing like the 8 board spliting boards going to the hole. Could you send a picture of how you have your Taboo drilled? I plan on drilling a long pin slingshot to play out there side also. Thanks