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Author Topic: Need suggestions for something stronger  (Read 1208 times)


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Need suggestions for something stronger
« on: December 08, 2010, 09:09:22 AM »
My current strongest ball for our now heavier THS synthetic lanes is an older Diesel Particle scuffed with a green SB, layed out stacked leverage with a small weight hole below my PAP.  With the new heavier shot, I'm having to play further right than I like, and am having to really slow my speed down to around 13 at the pins, when I've actually been trying to increase my speed overall.  This ball doesn't seem like it is strong for today's oils on slippery synthetics.  I mainly prefer to play a small swing shot or down & in, depending on lane conditions.  Out of the more modern Hammer balls, which would give me a similar reaction shape (strong arc at the back) that would let me increase my speed for more power, move in a bit, and have the ball recover well?  Do I need more of a mid-lane type ball?  Maybe something like:  Sting, Jacked, Plague, Taboo, ??????????



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Re: Need suggestions for something stronger
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2010, 06:32:39 PM »
From what you are saying I think you would like the Sting and if you can't find that anywhere the Swagga (not PBA approved). The Widow core is going to give you more motion downlane. Before buying a new ball I would maybe try some polish on the ball to see if it is for sure heavier oil because it could be the ball burning up too. Hope this helps


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Re: Need suggestions for something stronger
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2010, 12:07:41 PM »
I've used a light coat of Snake Oil on it earlier this season, which worked well when the lanes were somewhat drier, but lately it is sliding too far, so that's why I had hit it with the green SB which helped somewhat.  So I'm pretty sure it is not burning up, just not strong enough.  I can see it revving nicely going down the lane, but just not grabbing and making the turn enough.  Guys on our pair using VGs, Cells, a Sting, and a duller MCP, were all able to swing the ball better.  They all seemed to grab more in the midlane than my Diesel Particle.