Thank you for the reply. I almost had a shot with the Blue AMB Cebtaur Particle. One thing about tracking medium to low is that oil is our enemy. I like the way both NM Beatn's are drilled and the cover stock prep. The Blue Vibe should get me a lighter oil ball and I'm hoping that the Anger fits between the Beatn and the AMB Centaur Particle.
Moved left-moved right but didn't have a shot till the almost the middle of the seecond game in a four game set.
Its possible they just put nwe oil over old oil and the carry down was there, but the Beatn wouldn't handle the cary down either if thats the case.
I think that the beatn being a long ball with a great back end reaction is true, but you need some dry boards to hit against. The polished Beatn is a great swing ball as long as there is some head oil. Too much dry boards leaves a lot of 10 pins. But as long as I can move left and play the oil, the ball is great. When I stop carrying with the polished Beatn I go to the Lane 1 Megaton Hybrid polished and that is a great transition ball, but still too strong for lighter oil.
Thanks for the input. I know lessons are cheaper (you think itll you had lessons with John Jowdy
)but we build arsenals for a reason. If the bowling centers would put out the same shot every week just before league and after the open play, we would need to bring maybe two bowling balls into a house and maybe a spare ball. But most centers around here you don't know what you're going to get from week to week.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)