Ok, so I threw my new ONYX last night in league. The shot was terrible like it has been ALL summer. Massive carry down and heavy oil in the middle with some out of bounds.
Since I thought the ONYX was going to be aggressive right out of the box I played it that way so by playing it that way my first game was freaking terrible, I experienced a lot of over under until the OOB shine wore off and the lanes started mellowing out which really took about two full games.
But after I got kinda used to the reaction I started seeing what this ball can do. I started playing up the boards, which resulted in some bad splits and also some washouts then I moved in a little and the same thing happened….
In the 3rd game the lanes were getting somewhat better and the ball was losing some of its OOB shine and I was standing 25/30 and bellying the ball and it was coming back very, very, strong. I loved the way it moved off of the dry.
Tonight will be a better test for me as the Wednesday night league usually is a better shot and I can usually start the night by playing inside which I do prefer. I’ve got mine with the pin above the ring finger, like I said tonight will be a much better condition for me to throw it on so stay tuned.
Btw, I am seriously thinking about getting either the Venom or the Burn...
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