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Author Topic: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare  (Read 10963 times)


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(New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« on: June 17, 2016, 10:17:54 AM »

What the heck is a performance polyester? A spare ball that hooks a little bit?
Looks cool though.
Yup, a spare ball that hooks a bit.
Most used:
Motiv Venom Shock (14)
DV8 Grudge Hybrid (14)
Hammer Scandal (14)
DV8 Freakshow (14)

C300 Swerve (14)
Motiv Jackal LE (14)

Roto Grip Sinister (13)
Motiv Jackal (14)

Given to a no-thumber in the club:
Brunswick T-zone (13)

Might stick with Motiv from now on.



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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2016, 10:23:38 AM »
Most used:
Motiv Venom Shock (14)
DV8 Grudge Hybrid (14)
Hammer Scandal (14)
DV8 Freakshow (14)

C300 Swerve (14)
Motiv Jackal LE (14)

Roto Grip Sinister (13)
Motiv Jackal (14)

Given to a no-thumber in the club:
Brunswick T-zone (13)

Might stick with Motiv from now on.


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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2016, 12:57:03 PM »

What the heck is a performance polyester? A spare ball that hooks a little bit?
Looks cool though.
Yup, a spare ball that hooks a bit.

Yes. It can hook a fair bit if you're throwing it in the dirt, or on a condition that has little to no oil.

This isn't the first time they've done this either, as IIRC, the Taboo series also had the Gas Mask core in it, and the Taboo Spare was the first of the performance balls to have such a coverstock and core.

The True Blood followed in those footsteps as it had the same core as the First Blood.

So with surface adjustments (yes, that does sound weird for a polyester core), you could get some decent flare and some hook out of a spare ball with a strong core.

So check out the Taboo Spare and True blood in the Retired Balls section of Hammer's website, let alone the videos of those (especially the True Blood) on Hammer's youtube channel. you'll see how it rolls.



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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2016, 01:31:44 PM »
I love that the Rebel has the vintage Hammer writing on it above the Rebel text.
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Code X
Code Black
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Phaze III
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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2016, 01:45:10 AM »
The Widow spare has the highest flare, earliest rolling core in the hammer line up in it.
RG 2.48 and Diff .058.
This ball will want to roll hard and early but the asymmetric core should help to get it up the lane before it turns over an then turn over hard.
The polyester cover should make the overall friction on drier patterns more gradual and prevent jump in the backend.
So you should get heavy roll with control.
I ordered one and will drill it with a high flare layout with balance hole.
The diff on the drilled ball will likely be above .060.

Impending Doom

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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2016, 10:23:44 AM »
Mo would be proud.


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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2016, 05:51:35 PM »
I had the taboo spare for old dry wood lanes, shot 803 with it.
it is money, but they have to be desert dry


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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2016, 10:24:42 PM »
Well, I got the "Widow Spare" in 15lbs.

I am a Full roller with 90 degree axis rotation, zero tilt, slow ball speed and low revs (150 rpms).
I used the Aggressive Full Roller layout for Asymmetric cores with balance hole.
The final drilled specs are putting the RG at 2.48 and the Diff above .060.
I hand wet swirl finished the ball with a 2000 grit Siaair pad.
I got this ball especially for my new league at a house that puts down a light house shot.

The result?

This ball is a monster! It wants to roll so hard but because of the low friction cover the ball becomes highly rotational and smooth off the break point.
As a Full Roller I must keep my paths straighter to carry.
And because of my delivery specs any ball I roll is difficult to get up the lane on a straighter course.

The Widow Spare is absolutely perfect for me on these lanes and gives me all the control and power I need to average higher this season. This ball hits hard!

Here is a video on these league lanes on the fresh showing the strikes from some practice games:


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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2016, 11:08:39 PM »
Nord:  Your style reminds me of the late Joe Joseph.  Nothing fancy, just letting the ball do the work.  You would have been a pretty good track shot player. Not bad.


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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2016, 03:15:18 AM »


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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2016, 10:24:01 AM »
Thank you Bergman.
I really loved Joe Joseph who was just so smooth and effortless.
I really appreciate the compliment.
And your right, that is my style, just let the modern technological marvel do the work for me.
I want to be enjoying this sport into old age so this stress free style should serve me into my later years as Joe Joseph's style served him.
Check out this tournament of Joe when he was older (60).
Looks like he is using one of those urethane house balls.
He is still smooth and effective!

1978 The Great and the Greatest (Matches 1 & 2)

1978 The Great and the Greatest (Match 3)

1978 The Great and the Greatest (Match 4)

« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 10:35:53 AM by nord »


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Re: (New balls) Rebel & Widow Spare
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2016, 03:43:57 PM »
Wow!!  What a blast from the past!!  Great videos!!  Not to mention the added bonus of seeing and listening to the late, great Jack Buck.  He will forever be the voice of St. Louis Cardinals baseball.
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