Well, I got the "Widow Spare" in 15lbs.
I am a Full roller with 90 degree axis rotation, zero tilt, slow ball speed and low revs (150 rpms).
I used the Aggressive Full Roller layout for Asymmetric cores with balance hole.
The final drilled specs are putting the RG at 2.48 and the Diff above .060.
I hand wet swirl finished the ball with a 2000 grit Siaair pad.
I got this ball especially for my new league at a house that puts down a light house shot.
The result?
This ball is a monster! It wants to roll so hard but because of the low friction cover the ball becomes highly rotational and smooth off the break point.
As a Full Roller I must keep my paths straighter to carry.
And because of my delivery specs any ball I roll is difficult to get up the lane on a straighter course.
The Widow Spare is absolutely perfect for me on these lanes and gives me all the control and power I need to average higher this season. This ball hits hard!
Here is a video on these league lanes on the fresh showing the strikes from some practice games: