I'm just getting back into bowling after 13 years. My old ball is the Xcalibur and I'm looking at the Black Widow. I am now 36 years old and I think I use a 15 or 16 pound ball. I'm just an average size guy and am thinking about going with the 15, is that a big deal to drop down to 15 if my other ball happens to be 16? I'm sure I can handle the 16, but hey I'm getting older.
Okay, I am so confused about the drilling after reading all of these posts. I have no clue where the holes should be for me. I don't have a person that drills that has seen me bowl....should I make someone watch me bowl with my Xcalibur an then let him drill away? Or have him drill it like my xcalibur?
The only thing I know is my ball speed is usually around 14.6 on the computer when I ball. I don't consider myself a cranker...I usally play the 2nd arrow with the Xcalibur. So far I've been anwhere between 180 and 235 since I've started bowling again. I don't have my spares down very good yet!
Any help appreciated!