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Author Topic: Hammer's NM or Ebonite's TNV  (Read 1374 times)


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Hammer's NM or Ebonite's TNV
« on: February 21, 2007, 03:30:02 PM »
I am thinking of getting one of the above, any suggestions ? Tks...

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Re: Hammer's NM or Ebonite's TNV
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2007, 11:33:01 PM »
me personally i have had both and i would get the total nv over the no mercy its just my opinion but i have been able to use the total nv on more lane conditions than the no mercy and i have never had a ball that carried so well.


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Re: Hammer's NM or Ebonite's TNV
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2007, 12:06:11 PM »
depends on what reaction your looking to get also the no mercy is much sooner then the total nv. there both very good rocks but I also think the no mercy is more lane specific then the nv. If you bowl on heavier oil I would buy the no mercy, if you bowl on med to heavy or med to light definently the nv.
HOOTERS RULES!!!!!! Anyone AGREE?????
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Re: Hammer's NM or Ebonite's TNV
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2007, 06:57:45 PM »
I have throw both. I would say that by far the No Mercy is the best ball. I don't know why your No mercy (wally) picks up early, but mine are drilled almost the same. With the most recommended drilling. And the Total NV hits pretty solid, but it picks up so early that it is very hard to control. I have low revs and I can't control the NV. It left alot of splits and 4 pins for me too. Now the No Mercy is a big hook, but it picks up very very late on the lanes, so it is very controlable and the snap is so vicious, all you have to do is hit close to the pocket to get a strike. I average about 215 with No Mercy (buy far my best ball out of my other hammers, ebonites, brunswick, and storm balls that I have) and i average about 180-185 with Total NV. It seems that when I throw each ball and see the results, that the No Mercy is totally out of Total NV's class, it is much higher.
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Re: Hammer's NM or Ebonite's TNV
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2007, 07:29:37 PM »
Wow Pin, I think the release for the NM was to be an early hooking ball, to get the most hook potential possible, and the more overall hook. The Total NV was supposed to be longer in reaction shape, and more hook on the backend.

"Do you NV me?"
Ebonite Total NV Ebonite Angular One
Hammer Black Widow Storm Pyro
"Ey, Yo Crank! What ball was that?"
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: Hammer's NM or Ebonite's TNV
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2007, 08:57:58 AM »
I really don't care what the advertisment said, I care about what it does on the lanes. And No Mercy does not pick up early at all, It picks up at the last second to destroy the pocket. The Total NV picks up very early to make a huge movement on the lanes to hit the pocket. Don't get me wrong both balls are Amazing and hit hard and get lots of strikes, but No Mercy is just more controllable, and predictable.
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Re: Hammer's NM or Ebonite's TNV
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2007, 09:42:32 AM »
I don't have a TNV, but a teammate does as well as a No Mercy and Black Widow. He has fast release, speed and throws all 3 about the same. After watching him and talking to him about the three, he lists them in order of preference:

Total NV
No Mercy
Black Widow.

From watching him and his scores, I list them as:

No Mercy
Total NV
Black Widow.

All three are drilled close to the same, but IMO, he has better results from the list above. We see more med/heavy than anything, carrydown is not a big problem past the mid-second game.

Not a lot of help, just an observation.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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