Hey BR & Hammer Family,
Well, I finally got around to throwing my Hammer Toxic. Just barely made it to league tonight as I was driving home from a training class for work about 100 miles away!
Anyways, here are pics of the Toxic:
Layout -
http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4200460Toxic Logo -
http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4200461Hammer Logo -
http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4200462With Original Box -
House: AMF Synthetics
Pattern: Medium-Oiled Crown Shot (Drier boards outside, slicker in the middle)
Backends: Semi-Clean with slight carrydown
Didn't know what to expect from a Label Leverage type layout since I haven't thrown a ball with that layout for years. Very clean through the heads and clears them nicely. We decided on kicking the cg towards the center of grip since it had high top weight. Ball didn't need a hole, but might punch one up to tweak reaction. (Although I like how it reacts now!)
This ball is very predictable and has medium-long length with a continuous strong arc. Mixes up the pins very well. Although, I did leave about 2 solid 10-pins and a few light 10's. I also left a 4-9 split to end the night hehe. Boo!
Overall, great carry!
I really like the motion of this ball. It's one of those balls that is predictable and you know what is going to happen in the last 15 feet. Granted we were bowling on a crown House Pattern, but this ball didn't snap off the backend like my Paradigm or Rampage. It is a bit tamer on the backend, but that's ok too! Oh one more thing, I got about 5 inches of flare, I was surprised!
Compared to a Black Widow my teammate was using on the pair, I would say this ball is obviously cleaner through the fronts, but not as strong in the mids like the Widow. It would be safe to say that if I wanted to compliment this Toxic with a ball that handles more oil, I wouldn't hesitate to try a Black Widow as well.
Night ended up like this: 216-225-243=684 (Eh, not bad after shooting 560+ last week haha)
Hope this helps and if you have any questions let me know!
Great Job Hammer & Looking forward to trying out more of your gear.
P.S. Video coming soon!
The Candy Man
Rammy Davis Jr.
Edited on 12/8/2006 2:08 AM
Edited on 12/12/2006 12:33 PM