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Author Topic: What the hell does PAP stand for?  (Read 2174 times)


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What the hell does PAP stand for?
« on: March 02, 2007, 01:39:17 AM »
I see it all the time on here and i can usually figure out what these little acronyms mean but still have no idea what PAP is...  sorry if i sound like a moron but can anyone help me out?



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Re: What the hell does PAP stand for?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 09:50:06 AM »
Positive Axis (nee Access?) Point, one end of the initial axis about which the ball is spinning when it leaves your hand.  The axis goes all the way through the ball, the end on the positive side of your grip (the right side if you're a righty) is the PAP, the end on the negative side (the left side if you're a righty) is the NAP.



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Re: What the hell does PAP stand for?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2007, 10:06:25 AM »
Posted: 1/12/2005 1:27 PM
Imagine taking a perfectly white ball and rolling it straight through some wet red paint on a flat surface. The result would be a red line on the ball where the surface of the ball contacted the paint. This red line represents your track.

Now imagine the same ball with the red line intact. Consider sticking a pole completely through the ball so that, when you roll the ball straight through the paint again: 1) the ball will roll on the same line you've already made on the ball and 2) the pole sticking through the ball will not "wobble" ... in other words as the ball with the pole stuck through it rolls straight through the paint, the pole will be sticking straight out to either side, parallel to the surface of the paint. The pole represents your rotational axis.
The axis points (there are two) are the points on both sides of the ball where the pole exits/enters the surface of the ball.

With a bowling ball, the pole is imaginary, but your rotational axis does exist. Your axis points are the two points, one on each side of your track, that are the same distance from all points on your track.
In general, layman's terms: If you're a right hander and you hook the ball to the left (in other words, you don't throw a backup ball), when you look at the ball with the fingers above the thumb, your positive axis point (PAP) will be to the right of the track. Flip that for lefties. In more technical terms, the
positive axis point is the axis point closer to the track. You'll need a low- or non-flaring ball thrown normally through some oil to easily find your axis points. Your ball driller should be able to help here.

Axis tilt (not rotation) determines the size and "height" of your track. If you take the ball above with the pole through it - you can keep the pole parallel to the surface of the paint and turn it in any fashion.
As long as the pole remains parallel to the surface as the ball rolls through the paint, you'll get the same track. Another way to think about tilt versus rotation is to think about the front wheels on a car. You can turn the wheels to make the car turn, but the wheels stay up-and-down in relation to the pavement (and a pole stuck through them would be parallel to the street surface). The only way to achieve tilt would be to get the car up on two wheels.

This is from a previous post (stated above).
This should give you an idea as to why it is important to know one's PAP.



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Re: What the hell does PAP stand for?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 10:39:16 AM »
actually that helped alot, I've actually seen a video where the person throwing the ball was throwing a clear ball with a "pole" in it to represent the Axis points on the ball and i remember watching it spin then flip (at break point) when he threw the hook.  I just never realized that PAP mean Positive AXis Point.  thanks for all the info.


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Re: What the hell does PAP stand for?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2007, 11:11:42 AM »

Before Brian Pursel left Ebonite, he created some great instructional discussions on the ebonite website.  Check it out.
Jason Jenkins
'05-'06 Hammer Amateur Staff
'06-'07 Hammer Amateur Staff
"Nothing HITS like a Hammer"


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Re: What the hell does PAP stand for?
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2007, 11:11:57 AM »
So here is the real question, so do does drilling the ball further from the PAP increase mid lane read or back end snap?  and is the Axis point on the ball represented by the "pin"?  thanks for all the help.