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Author Topic: Plague Videos  (Read 1505 times)


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Plague Videos
« on: June 02, 2010, 06:46:03 AM »
This is the one on Kegel's High Street Pattern:

This is the other and on Kegel's Easy Street Pattern:
-The Hammer Booth-



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Re: Plague Videos
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 04:22:30 PM »
thankss for the video, it was very well done..

  "1st VIDEO"  the first 2 bowlers though you don't really see a difference in ball motion for the 2 layouts(balls).. now for the 3rd bowler you see a larger difference in motion, is this do to the fact the pattern is starting to burn up some.. cause I would have thought the pin up ball would have let you go a little starighter and it seemed to me that you moved  alot deeper.. also the cg and mb were kicked out pretty far to the right..  

  "2nd VIDEO" all the ball motions seem very similar to each other, again the 3rd bowler lay down spot was the biggest difference I could see..

  "SO" does this mean that no matter how this ball is laidout/drilled it will definetly come down to the cover prep for what type of ball motion you are going to see..?? going from 44" to 38" the balls really looked to me to roll the same no matter how they were drilled.. of course where they were standing has changed.. and yes  more bowlers will break the pattern down different, but the cover prep is "HUGE" wouldn't you say so..??

thankss again to a really well done video, I enjoyed it greatly keep them coming.. slashrr69


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Re: Plague Videos
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2010, 05:16:14 PM »
The pin up ball is much cleaner through the front part of the lane, that is why you see them move deeper with it. The Plague retains more energy and has more kick with the pin up layouts. Even with the first 2 bowlers you can see that the ball motion in the back part of the lane is more than with the pin down.

Cover prep is always a big part of ball motion. If you have access to a spinner start messing around with surfaces so you can see the differences for yourself.

Hope this helps and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask. I will do my best to help you out
-The Hammer Booth-