The more I think about it the Black Widow was designed and named for the female bowlers. My wife told me she wanted a Black Widow Pearl for the holidays. She said because of the way it looks and hits and also that the name fits most of the females anyway. Use your own imagination what the female's think the new name should be on the upcoming Widow line. My wife rolled a couple of 200 games last week and a lady bowler from another league came down and asked her what kind of ball she was rolling. She went into the Pro shop and bought one. Wife's ball was 14.3 3 oz top weight with a 2 " pin before drill. Strong drill with the pin just above the finger's. Almost a 4 X 4 drill pattern, real close. Even with a slower ball speed this ball goes longer down the lane with good rotation and hooks up with a nice strong break point. I told her well next week you can move out and play in the dirt with the Widow. She replied "I don't know what that means but I can play outside now with the Big Boys". (LOL)