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Author Topic: twisted fury vs. cherry vibe  (Read 919 times)


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twisted fury vs. cherry vibe
« on: January 03, 2008, 05:33:07 PM »
Being that several people have reviewed the Cherry Vibe as being the same strength, if not stronger than their black widow pearl, I was wondering how strong it would be compared to a twisted fury.  Does anyone here have both, and if so, how do they compare? Thank you for any imput.



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Re: twisted fury vs. cherry vibe
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2008, 08:21:08 AM »
The Cherry Vibe is as strong as the BWP only when it encounters friction. Other than that, the BWP rolls sooner, has much more midlane and reads in the oil way better than the CV. The Twisted does what the BWP does, but better. Its more angular off the spot and reads even better in the oil.
Team HammerHead
2008 USBC Nationals

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