got my No Mercy yesterday from the lovely UPS Man yesterday
went and punched it up yesterday and tried using it last night on the THS at league at my local house. The Track burns up quick because of all the older guys who like to throw their charcoal pointing at the head pin... so trying to loop the ball is nearly out of the question... the Mercy would hit the track and burn up faster than a piece of tissue. i moved in and squared up to get it in the little oil that was left by the end of the night and got a much better reaction
i bowled on pba regional pattern 2 today with it, and man what a difference, i was able to loop the ball to the outside and everytime it seemed a ten was going to stand it would kick out with ease...
i put the recommended most aggressive layout on it ( or mocked it a bit)
i received my No Mercy and the cg was offset left of the pin and HART... this made it extremely difficult to try and do almost any of the recommended drillings, it would have been a perfect ball for a lefty, but i got it and did what i could to make it work cuz i just wanted to throw it already
the pin is directly next to my ring finger as suggested and the cg wound up about 2 inches below my middle finger, so to account for negative side i drilled the middle finger a little extra deep with a 15/16 bit rather than the 31/32.
the HART wound up being direct next to my thumb on the left... it is close to my track but not driectly in it, but is the best i could do with the small amount of options i had. it is almost exactly how Brian Graham dexcribed it to me, starts up a several feet earlier than the Widow and is stronger overall.
on pattern 2 i was standing about 25, hitting about 17 and getting it out to about 3, and the ball was a beast when it hit the pins, mixers, high flush, messengers, trip tens, it had all of these up its sleeve, i am looking forward to using it this weekend at the member non member doubles in vegas
i will be ordering another and drilling it slightly different next week
i will keep everyone posted on how it continuously rolls through the use i will put it through
show No Mercy
P.S. to anyone who thinks that Hammer is in the wrong for creating something new with a bowling ball, isnt technology supposed to move forward? what is wrong with Hammer using their R and D to find something new that might become something great and work out for a lot of people? its all about coming out with new cores and covers that adhere to the customers wants and needs and about making something that a wide variety and styles of bowlers can all use and like. I commend Hammer for releasing a new technology, so far so good and we will see how it continues... and its not like they released an Epoxy ball or something (chuckles under breath)
Mason Sherman
Hammer Amateur Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."
Talk is Cheap, Just Bring it...