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Author Topic: Undecided???  (Read 3150 times)

MX 267

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« on: March 04, 2008, 12:52:22 AM »
After struggling with my new Toxic and listenening to you all!!!!!!  I'm going tonight to get it resurfaced.  Should I go to the 4000 or the 2000???  Whats everyone's thoughts on this.  I got this to be a drier lane ball and its way to unpredictable right now.  I'm thinking this might help???
Hammer Sharp Blade
Hammer Toxic

I'm thinking I might take that new chick from Logistics. If things go well I might be showing her my O-face. "Oh... Oh... Oh!" You know what I'm talkin' about. "Oh!"


Matt Fortney

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Re: Undecided???
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 09:02:22 AM »
I would start with 4000.

Hammer Pride Staff Member

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Re: Undecided???
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2008, 09:14:25 AM »
First off the TOXIC is really not a dry lane ball.  The TOXIC is very strong when it hits friction which can make it hard to control.  

Buy yourself a bottle of Ebonites MATTE polish.  This polish is very good and really tames down the snappy move you see from a lot of balls on the market.

Just remember to bring the cover down to like 1000 grit before putting the polish on.


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Re: Undecided???
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2008, 09:22:17 AM »
I have to agree with Chi on this. Its not a dry lane ball. The factory finish is 4000 with polish. So if you want to tone down the ball you will have to go with some sort of extender type of polish. By the way, how did you drill it.
Team HammerHead
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Re: Undecided???
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2008, 09:59:41 AM »
I can't imagine anyone telling you to get the toxic for day(er) lanes. It's more ball than that. If you wanted a dry(er) lane ball then the Vibes would have been my choice.

You can put polish on it, extender type or coat the heck out of it, but I still say it's not a good dry(er) lane ball.

az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

MX 267

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Re: Undecided???
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2008, 10:03:49 AM »
Let me re-say what I meant.  I wanted something for medium oil (My Bad)....Drier than my Sharp Blade.  It's drilled with the pin 1" right of my ring finger and cg in my palm area (My driller picked it for me).  It is just unpredictable right now.  Sometimes it hooks alot and sometimes not at all.  I want it to be more controlable.
Hammer Sharp Blade
Hammer Toxic

I'm thinking I might take that new chick from Logistics. If things go well I might be showing her my O-face. "Oh... Oh... Oh!" You know what I'm talkin' about. "Oh!"


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Re: Undecided???
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2008, 10:16:56 AM »
Sounds like a Drill # 3 or 4 ? If that's the case, I understand why you are not happy, IMO, not a good layout for this ball.

If you wanted a light to medium oil ball, #2, Length would have been my suggestion
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

Edited on 3/4/2008 11:21 AM

MX 267

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Re: Undecided???
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2008, 12:12:25 PM »
az...thats what I thought too.  The driller didnt really give me an option to change the drill patterns.  He just drilled it the same as my sharp blade.  After talking with the hammer people they say that the drill patterns are only fine tuning a ball and not that important???  Any who...  I threw it last night and I guess I'm starting to get used to it.  Still considering the 4000/ no polish option.  I think it will be more predictable after that???
Hammer Sharp Blade
Hammer Toxic

I'm thinking I might take that new chick from Logistics. If things go well I might be showing her my O-face. "Oh... Oh... Oh!" You know what I'm talkin' about. "Oh!"


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Re: Undecided???
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2008, 01:04:29 PM »
az...thats what I thought too.  The driller didnt really give me an option to change the drill patterns.  He just drilled it the same as my sharp blade.  After talking with the hammer people they say that the drill patterns are only fine tuning a ball and not that important???  Any who...  I threw it last night and I guess I'm starting to get used to it.  Still considering the 4000/ no polish option.  I think it will be more predictable after that???
Hammer Sharp Blade
Hammer Toxic

I'm thinking I might take that new chick from Logistics. If things go well I might be showing her my O-face. "Oh... Oh... Oh!" You know what I'm talkin' about. "Oh!"

Roger is right in that a length layout would of probably been a better reaction for what you wanted.  However, as both Roger and  bluerrpilot
have said, extender polish could help the ball get down the lane better.

Now if the length of the ball is good for what your looking for but it's just too dam hard to control because of how strong it responds to friction then try to adjust the cover.  Knock the polish off and bring the cover to 4000 abralon and see if it helps.  If that doesn't work then buy yourself some of the MATTE polish I mentioned in my other reply.  The MATTE polish works very good!  I'm telling you the MATTE polish WILL tame down the ball and make it more controllable.

MX 267

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Re: Undecided???
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2008, 02:52:36 PM »
do you have to bring it to 4000 before the matte finish?  or can I just put a matte polish on it now?  I like the way the ball is reacting right now. Its just very unpredictable on when its going to do it.  The ball seems over sensitive on how I throw it.  My particle ball is very forgiving.  And thats what I want out of this ball.
Hammer Sharp Blade
Hammer Toxic

I'm thinking I might take that new chick from Logistics. If things go well I might be showing her my O-face. "Oh... Oh... Oh!" You know what I'm talkin' about. "Oh!"