To answer your question about preferred layouts. I have had the most success lately with 5 to 5 1/2 pin to pap drillings.
I was planning on copying the layout on my Toxic. It gives me plenty of length and lots of backend recovery. It's basically pin over the bridge. I use a "mb" marker and put that 2inches right of my thumb (strong position)-the CG ends up where it does, then place the x-hole on the "mb" spot.
The biggest problem with bowling on my THS during league is three fold. First off, everyone plays in the same area-so it gets burned by around the middle of the 2nd game. There is too much oil in the middle to move in and still carry. The last being is that they create an OOB downlane...so no wall. There are two options, more speed or find some way to create friction down lane..normally by playing VERY slow.
For me, I have trouble generating the needed speed, and can't slow it down. Instead, I try for covers and drilling that allow me to push the ball farther down lane. In the past with drillings with shorter pin to pap layouts-they read too early. With my current setup...my BWP opens, my Toxic pushes about 3-5ft more than the widow. I want something I can move when my Toxic becomes too much-i.e 3rd game ball if needed.
I ended up ordering a Cherry Vibe. I thought it over, and my main concern was the arc like reaction from the vibe. I wanted more of a skid snap reaction. I can make adjustments if its too much, but I am sure this will fit the need. I will post up results later. I should have it drilled up later this week or beginning of next week.