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Author Topic: Update on my doom  (Read 1169 times)


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Update on my doom
« on: March 29, 2006, 12:25:22 PM »
I am really impressed with this ball. Used it tonight in leagues. First game covered the first ten,on my second shot in the tenth left a ten pin ended up wit a 288 (my legs were shaking pretty good by then).

Second game not so good (my fault) dropped my speed a little and sent alot thru the nose ended up 155, did come back in the 3rd with a 215.

All in all a great ball, I was standing 27 and targeting 12-13. The ball is strong in the mids,turns right(lefty) and slams the pocket. I am thinking maybe another one with different drilling on it is next. (any Suggestions chitown)



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Re: Update on my doom
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2006, 11:47:00 PM »
I just read your other post so I got some info from that.

What is your pap?
Does your Doom have a balance hole?
Is your drilled stacked leverage or label leverage?

Since you have one drilled leverage I would suggest drilling it like I have two of mine.  Pin 5.5" from pap, cg kicked to 1oz positive side and no balance hole.  Just let the cg fall where ever 1oz of positive side is.  Make sure your driller doesn't go over that so it stays legal.  If you want tell him 3/4 oz of side.  This just depends how much you trust him.  Also make sure the pin is above the fingers and not below.  Try and get a longer pin out ball like 3" to 4" pin out.  

This will give you a different look on the lanes.  This will give you less mid lane and all back end.  This is my favorite layout on any ball.  Now once you get the new one drilled like that test both balls on the same lane pattern and line.  This way you can see how different they are.  Once you do that then you can decide if you want to dull one of them.  I would suggest dulling one of them because it will create more separation and cover more conditions.
I feel this ball is so good everyone should have at least one in there bag.  It just flat out hits and is versatile.  Don't be afraid to change the cover on it to fine tune the reaction for you.  I love the box condition the best.  However there is a definite need for a dull one.  I bowled 3 weeks ago during league and the back ends on one lane were really moving way too much compared to the other lane.  At the time I had 2 Dooms one box and the other dull(600 grit) both drilled the same.  I used the dull one on the lane that was moving too much on the back end.  The Dull Doom took the jumpiness out and was super smooth and strong.  I won a lot of money that game.  Enough to buy all 3 Dooms.  So I was really happy to say the least.  If I didn't have the second one who knows what would have happened.  That was when I decided to buy the 3rd Doom.

Hope this helps bud.  Let me know if you get a second one.

For the bowlers out there that are reading this post reply take some great advice.  Buy a Doom.  This is the sleeper ball of the century.  It's that good.  I love balls that just flat out smack the crap out of the pins.


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Re: Update on my doom
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2006, 04:25:19 AM »
Thanks for the advise. I will most likely get another one and have it drilled 5-5.5  from pin to pap. I bowl again today in a different house that puts out a little more and flatter oil pattern. So I will see how it reacts to that.Again thanks for all your help.