To mrbowlingnut and Babz299--
For the last ten years, I've read that at least 2 balls per year from each manufacturer outhook their last offering by 5 boards. So, at a conservative 10 boards more hook per year for the last 10 years, that means that lanes #1 & 2 in most bowling centers must now be useless, since the bowler on lane #3 must be lining up on the approach of lane #1 to avoid having his ball hook off the lane. Strangely enough, I don't see that happening. What's wrong with this picture? Could we possibly be being BSed?
I'll have to keep buying 4 or 5 balls per year until I find out.
P.S. I'm especially sorry to see the Diesels go. That was a fine line of balls, even though the first two are still the best. I still have a Diesel Particle Pearl in regular use.
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