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Author Topic: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions  (Read 5265 times)


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Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« on: September 15, 2011, 03:02:16 AM »
I have seen a few posts/reviews on the Taboo Dark Blue/Silver. It seems to be a tad stronger then the original Taboo. I was a big fan of the Original Bkack Widow and the Gas Mask core. But for me the Black Widow was a more medium lane ball. Is the new Taboo Dark Blue/Silver designed for heavier/longer patterns or is it more of a Med/Heavy ball? I am looking for something for heavier patterns, sport conditions, USBC Open conditions etc. Would this new Taboo fit the bill?


My Specs are : 18 - 18.5 MPH

                         380-390 RPM

                         more up the back then around the ball (Sorry don't know tilt info off the top of my head)


Thanks for your feedback.





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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 11:52:49 AM »
You will not have a problem using this ball on any USBC sport pattern and all of the PBA patterns except maybe Shark. This ball is a little longer but stronger backend. Good Luck.

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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 01:58:57 PM »
This ball is definitely MUCH cleaner in the front part of the lane and very responsive off the friction. I would say it is a few feet longer than the original Taboo, but about 3-4 boards more in the backend. I used my new Taboo on a shorter pattern this weekend and the new Taboo performed wonderfully. With the box finish, this ball definitely does not have the stronger midlane roll like the original, it is a great compliment to the original when it starts to burn up too quick. The Taboo Spare is not too bad either.



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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2011, 02:25:56 PM »
Thanks Guys!


This seems to be the issue with the new balls....most are "longer and stronger". I find with my ball speed that they tend to go too long. I really like what I see in balls like Taboo Dark Blue/Silver, Ransom Demand, Critical Theory, etc.....but I am afriad they won't fit where I need them to on the longer.heavier patterns. But if I move up to something like a Nano, etc. it seems to be too much ball unless I drill it on the weaker side, and I dislike drilling balls for things opposite what they are made for. I might still try this one and see how it works. Thanks againfor taking the time.




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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2011, 04:55:46 PM »
I threw the Taboo Dark Blue/Silver at a demo day last weekend.  I had an original Taboo in the past.  For me, the Dark Blue/Silver was definitely longer and much harder off of the friction than the original Taboo.  I was pretty impressed at how angular it was.  I never had much success with the Taboo on longer/heavier patterns.  You mentioned the Ransom Demand being a "long and strong" reaction.  I also had the opportunity to throw the Ransom Demand at the demo day.  I found the Ransom Demand to be very smooth and controllable.  From what I saw, with some surface, it could handle longer/heavier patterns with no problem.  Hope this helps some.


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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 07:50:07 PM »
Looking at your stats you should not have a problem with the new Taboo going too long for you especially if you are up the back. The Taboo Blue/Silver does come out of the box with a dull finish (3000) but if you need it to pick up sooner you can always adjust that too. Seeing as I have worked in the Hammer Booth at USBC's the past three years and bowled the last seven I don't see this ball not being strong enough for you there. Personally I have seen this ball go down the lane a few times for others (at demos) and it has no problem on Shark either. Hope this helps and feel free to ask anything else. 

The Bowling Shop Tyson

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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 10:30:13 PM »
From what you are saying, the original Taboo may actually fit you best.  Indeed, this new Taboo is a little longer and stronger than the original, and yes, it is newer, but nobody should push aside the original Taboo by any means, or forget about it.  It is still selling better than almost any other ball on the market, and there is a reason for that.
I got my new Taboo Blue/Silver, and drilled it, and like it a lot, but to be honest, on fresh patterns, that Taboo still comes out first and handles heavier oil in the midlane better with a little more predictability, as I just drilled a new one of these to add to my arsenal.  It's when you get a little breakdown or just need a little more length and extra backend pop that the new Taboo really shines and will compliment the original oh so well. 

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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2011, 10:26:41 AM »
Just to give you a little more confidence. I am a up the back type player as well, although my speed is a little less than yours. From bowling on three diffrent nights as well as  tournaments on the weekends I havent found a shot were this ball would not come in play. I have used it on Scorpion and Shark, and many of the USBC patterns. If you have thrown the original and have had any luck with it you will be OK with this one as well.


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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2011, 05:36:15 PM »
Has anyone received the Taboo spare ball yet?? I'm curious to know how is it possible for the spare ball to have same rg(2.50) and diff (0.60) as the Taboo Pearl. 


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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2011, 08:33:00 PM »
Because it has the same core as the Taboo and most Black Widows ....
Those numbers (RG, RG differential, MB or PSA differential) relate to the core's specifications and have nothing to do with the coverstock. (Unless I am misunderstanding your question)
strykalot wrote on 10/4/2011 5:36 PM:Has anyone received the Taboo spare ball yet?? I'm curious to know how is it possible for the spare ball to have same rg(2.50) and diff (0.60) as the Taboo Pearl. 

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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2011, 07:21:04 PM »
I know a lot of bowlers consider a balls rg and diff numbers when in the market for a new ball. If someone saw that the numbers of the Taboo spare ball are comparable to the numbers of the Taboo Pearl, would they come to the conclusion that the two will have a similar reaction? 


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Re: Taboo Dark Blue/Silver questions
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2011, 11:09:37 AM »
Someone looking might consider that, but a core will not create hook. Most of you ball motion comes from the coverstock.