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Author Topic: No mercy opinion  (Read 5040 times)


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No mercy opinion
« on: November 05, 2006, 07:00:15 AM »
used preferred drilling 1
lefty high revs 18+ mph
ball is very smooth reacts kind of similar to urethane
doesnt have the overall hook of my bw or hz(5 boards left)
but hits harder than anything that ive ever thrown before
would probably work great for someone who plays down and in
took the cover to 500 abralon for a little more, will most likely take it to 1000 or 2000 abralon
shouldve been marketed towards medium oil not heavy
ball wasnt what i was looking for but if there was one ball that worked for everyone this place wouldnt exist


max revs

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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2006, 06:25:51 PM »
if your high revs you should have used the layout for high rev players I used it and it flat out hooks easily 5 boards stronger then my Widow
med-high revs
 17 mph ball speed
 med axis tilt
 Current arsenal:
 No Mercy WOW WOW WOW did I say WOW!!
 Road Hawg
 Black Widow
 Absolute inferno
 Big Time
 Blue Vibe  
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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 03:19:10 PM »
last night i had the pleasure of seeing the no mercy for the first time. I wasnt overly impressed.He was also using the black widow which was stronger with more pop on the back than the no mercy. maybe there wasnt enough oil and he might have been a tad bit too cautious with his line,but if i had seen him bowl before i ordered mine i wouldnt have gotten one.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 03:47:49 PM »
Used mine for the first time last night. Was rough for the first 2-3 frames then I found a line and it was the best backend of any ball I've ever had. Now I wish I hadn't gotten a Black Widow as well. Haven't drilled it yet and probably won't. Just another N/M different layout.

A team mate has a B/W and there's not enough difference between the two for me to have one of each. JMO
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 04:50:03 PM »
the more i read the more i feel like i have been raped. I just looked in a site that gives comparisons of balls and the no mercy is almost identical to my epic wonder if i could exchange this thing for the angular one.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

six pack

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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2006, 04:50:43 PM »
I like my widow at,500 grit,2000 grit,4000 grit.I can't seem to find a happy medium because the ball acts so different with the different surfaces so,... I got a no mercy.diffrent ball,different drill and I'll have a different surface on it.I hope I'm correct in my thinking.I think I am but until I get the ball and find the surface I like on it's merely speculation.the safe bet would be to get another widow.I've also noticed my widow works great with allot of axis rotation but it's not a rip the cover off type of ball.smooth release is the only thing that works with the widow,maybe the no mercy is the same way and that's why you see so many mixed opinions on the ball.
B-dub in the house YE'all..
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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2006, 05:55:26 PM »
This ball should work for heavy oil if dulled to the correct grit.  Even for a high rev bower this ball should be great for heavy oil.
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!


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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2006, 05:57:38 PM »
last night i had the pleasure of seeing the no mercy for the first time. I wasnt overly impressed.He was also using the black widow which was stronger with more pop on the back than the no mercy. maybe there wasnt enough oil and he might have been a tad bit too cautious with his line,but if i had seen him bowl before i ordered mine i wouldnt have gotten one.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

You also have to take into account how his were drilled.  There is a good vid of both of these balls on this site.  Both are very close in reaction to eachoher.  I'm picking mine up in about an hour.  I will post my findings after I roll it some.
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!


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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2006, 08:39:24 PM »
his ball was drilled as prescribed by the plastic insert that comes with the ball.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2006, 08:48:38 PM »
I also drilled this ball with the #1 layout.  Drilled it Friday night, no practice games at all.  Had 10 minutes of warm-up before league tonight.  258-264-289 for 811 out of the box.   It covers enough boards to get the job done, but that's not what impressed me.  It was the roll.  It's very different than any other ball out there.  Just follow the drill sheet and enjoy.....


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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2006, 10:59:52 PM »
the more i read the more i feel like i have been raped. I just looked in a site that gives comparisons of balls and the no mercy is almost identical to my epic wonder if i could exchange this thing for the angular one.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

I would wait on getting rid of this ball.  From what I have been told by a very good bowler is the NO MERCY is the most awesome ball he has ever thrown.  He says the ball should not be legal.  Trust me you didn't get raped.  

Have you drilled your up yet?

I just picked mine up tonight but wont be able to try it out until Wed. night.  I will post my initial impression of this ball on Wed.

I also think the angular one looks like a good ball.

I will make a vid of these balls on Wed: Pain, Doom, BW, NO MERCY.  hopefully I can figure out how to put them on this site.
GO BEARS!  Super Bowl bound!

Edited on 11/6/2006 11:53 PM

max revs

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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2006, 06:52:07 AM »
his ball was drilled as prescribed by the plastic insert that comes with the ball.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

That is the recommended drilling but there is one on there for someone that is a high rev player. Which he said he was. I used that one because I am a high rev guy too and the thing is 5 boards stronger then my Black Widow. It was great thurs night I started out using my No Mercy and when it started to read the mid lane too much I switched to my BW which got thru alot cleaner and I was killing the pocket.
med-high revs
 17 mph ball speed
 med axis tilt
 Current arsenal:
 No Mercy WOW WOW WOW did I say WOW!!
 Road Hawg
 Black Widow
 Absolute inferno
 Big Time
 Blue Vibe  
 White Dot


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Re: No mercy opinion
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2006, 08:43:54 AM »
Drilled up a Mercy just to throw last night with a small variation to the #1 recommended drilling. Considering I have had a severe back strain for the past month I was still able to roll the ball fair.  Shot 636 out of the box with no practice.  I feel when my back improves this will be a ball that will work well for me. I can honestly compare it to The BW,Infinite One and Angular One.  The Mercy has a very distinctive roll with a great backend. The Angular One has more even roll later down the lane with the Infinte One being more mid lane aggressive. The BW really works well for the strong backend in one of the houses I bowl in.  Over all these 4 balls make a great combo to have in any arsenal. Cant wait for Toxic to arrive.  Nothing like a green Hammer!
Roger Carroll
Pinnacle Pro Shop
Clarksville, TN
Pinnacle Pro Shop
Clarksville, TN 37043