I have the Cherry vibe and had it drilled yesterday, rolled it tonight in our league and the ball good,I really liked the roll but my thumb hole seems way to big,as the ball was falling off my hand before i was even ready to release the ball. After bowling i put about 8 pieces of tape and it felt pretty good,but it was too late and the lanes where breaking done really bad and im not sure where to move, I guess I'm going to have to get the thumb hole plugged and redrilled as that was my biggest problem besides the lane was breaking down.I hate the idea of having to put a plug in a new ball already,yesterday while holding the ball it felt really good but rolling the bad it was pretty bad as it was dropping way to soon
I think once i get my thumb hole problem fixed and get used to the ball and learn what the ball going to do it going to rock for me
I give the ball a 8.9 out of 10, But once i get my thumb hole fix and learn what it going to do, it probably it a 9 or 10.
Edited on 9/7/2007 10:19 PM