Well, I guess since this site doesn't have the new Hammer products updated yet, I will do a mini-review in the Forum for the one's that I have punched and thrown.
VIBE- 4.5" pin, 3.75oz top
This is the nugget that I personally have been looking for in the Hammer line up for a while. This ball is drilled with a 5" Pin to PAP, and 75* layout. Basically the pin is above and rt of the ring, with the CG stacked above and right of the thumb.
Ball Surface: Box
Lane Surface: Lane shield
Condition1: carried down THS 38' 10-10
Condition2: fresh THS
Condition1- I wasn't sure about the first 5 or 6 shots. The ball just kind of flaked, but I realized there was carrydown and moved right. I have stated before that some Hammer products are "clean through the front"; Well, none that I have thrown compare to this one. This ball just scoots through the heads, sails through the mids, and stores all the energy for the backends. This layout didn't result in a jerky, skid/flip, but a reall strong arc off of the spot.
Condition2: Basically the same results except with the fresh backends, I had to move my feet about 4 deeper. This ball is a truck.
Thanks Brian, this is the one I personally have been waiting for.
Jason Jenkins
'05-'06 Hammer Amateur Staff
"Nothing HITS like a Hammer"