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Author Topic: Wait for the No Mercy or buy a Pain?  (Read 1697 times)


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Wait for the No Mercy or buy a Pain?
« on: October 09, 2006, 04:52:56 AM »
Ive got a black widow shined up for medium oil, & a MoRich TSA at 1200 for heavy oil.  I find when my TSA is starting to roll out & leave a lot of corners, the BW wont make the turn, even after moving 5-10 boards right sometimes.  Should i wait for the No Mercy to come out & drill it to fit between my BW & TSA, or should i just get a pain & drill it like my doom & leave it with the OOB finish?

BTW, im also looking into buying an old quantum helix/double helix for drier conditions, not DRY, but drier.




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Re: Wait for the No Mercy or buy a Pain?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2006, 02:04:46 PM »
The No Mercy is gonna hook more that the TSA or at least thats what they are saying about this ball. I don't think you could go wrong with either ball. I have a Pain and love it. Very versatile piece of equipment.  I hope to get a NO Mercy soon, but the bottom line is either ball would be a wise choice..
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Re: Wait for the No Mercy or buy a Pain?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2006, 03:47:51 PM »
I feel you should try a cover change on the BW first.  I'm a beliver in less equipment is better.  I really feel that making smart equipment choices to begin with and making small cover adjustments is better than carrying a ton of balls.

I have 2 Pains and a Doom for my strike balls.  Then I have a plastic spare.  I have the Doom and Pain drilled exactly the same.  These balls cover a huge amount of conditions.  It's just a matter of making adjustments with my lane play and or hand positions and ball speed.

So before you buy another ball I suggest trying to change the surface to see if that works best.
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Re: Wait for the No Mercy or buy a Pain?
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2006, 06:05:08 PM »
I have had no luck with the BW cover what so ever.I've tried the oob finish and it's too strong up front.I've polished it and it just sailed all the way down the lane with no reaction,no mid lane,' I took the big B aproach,sanded the ball down to 320,rough buff and then polished least now I can wind the core up and get a good reaction out of it.I really like the ball for the most part but I hate it when the cover is way off of you're takes me forever to find the right combo.
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Re: Wait for the No Mercy or buy a Pain?
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2006, 11:36:39 PM »
I have had no luck with the BW cover what so ever.I've tried the oob finish and it's too strong up front.I've polished it and it just sailed all the way down the lane with no reaction,no mid lane,' I took the big B aproach,sanded the ball down to 320,rough buff and then polished least now I can wind the core up and get a good reaction out of it.I really like the ball for the most part but I hate it when the cover is way off of you're takes me forever to find the right combo.
B-dub in the house YE'all..

I bought a used BW and just plugged and redrilled it with the same layout it had on it.  I didn't like the BW reaction.  Unpredictable at best.  I just didn't bond with this ball.

I love the Pain and Doom.  I will stick with what works for me.
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Re: Wait for the No Mercy or buy a Pain?
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2006, 11:48:26 PM »
I agree, you should alter the cover on the BW. A lot cheaper than buying a new ball.
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Re: Wait for the No Mercy or buy a Pain?
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2006, 12:39:57 PM »
I understand what chitown is saying. I like symmetric cores in my bowlingballs.
Asymmetric balls are release sensitive. I've had some success with my Black widow, but it is very inconsistent. Granted its probably me 50% of the time. I let my ball driller talk me into it (again). But I think you should take the cover down a little. That is what I plan on doing. With the cover change it should become more predictable. If not I'll sell it and buy another pain. 2cents.