I was in need of something that had a somewhat similar motion to my Blue Vibe but just stronger overall. I picked up an Absolut Curve since I was able to get a good deal.
Went with a 50 x 4 1/2 x 50 layout which puts the pin right above my ring finger and cg kicked slightly. After putting 15 games on it, I'm really impressed. Bowled on 2 different house shots (fresh main street and other unknown) and the nationals team pattern.
The Fat Max core rolls heavy through the pins. I like the cover because it's right in the middle, not too strong but not too weak.
On the house shots I could play inside or outside. On our fresh main street I was able to stand next to our ball return and have the Curve come back almost leaving a couple 7-9s. I played outside taking hand out of the ball and it actually responded very well, hit wasn't sacrificed at all.
On the nationals team pattern I actually had a good look playing inside, it wasn't fresh but I'm hoping to bowl on it again tomorrow and have more details then.
One thing I've noticed the most is the energy transferred from the Curve to the pins, this ball hits hard. It really has me wanting to pickup an Absolut Hook but I might be able to just go with an earlier layout and surface on another Curve.