You are very late with your timing (I know this problem from personal experience) - you move your feet at least 2 steps before you get the ball to swing, and therefore you are already at the foul line, upright, and the ball is still on its way. You have to compensate thsi with the whole of your body, you can see this through the wild turn of your shoe tip during the release.
Try to sync the pushaway with your 2nd step, and slow the feet down. You do not need to hurry, let the ball swing guide you. You will be astonished how much time you "find" without sacrificing any ball power. A bent knee, like already suggested, will also help you - try to slide before you release the ball. This will improve your balance at the foul line (your shoe tip should point straight forward).
A coach might be truly helpful, because this is a basic thing that is hard to come by on your own.
Good luck!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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