A few friends of mine in the Philadelphia area killed with the Hawg last winter season. 3 of them were all using pin high drillings over the fingers at an OOB surface. This kept the ball from flaring out early, but the surface of the ball still gave it control in the midlanes and plenty of hook on the backend. All three users pretty much covered the spectrum of releases. One was a high end tweener around 375 rpms, one a high speed power/spinner type with about 400rpms, and one was a lower rev tweener around 225 rpms. All pretty much got the same type of read out of the ball with similar drillings.
I do think the green/blue Hawg is one of the most overlooked balls in their line that was marketed a bit wrong. With the right drilling it could be one's heavier oil ball but to me Hammer didn't put enough stress on the versatility of the cover/core matchup they had with this ball.
Consider it a diamond in the rough.
Respect the Game