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Author Topic: Widow vs. Widow Pearl~Backend??  (Read 906 times)


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Widow vs. Widow Pearl~Backend??
« on: August 23, 2007, 01:40:24 PM »
I know these are two different balls here, but with the same drillings, shouldn't the backend reaction be pretty similar??

My BW has sick backend, that is unmatched. The Pearl is not quite in it's league. Why such a difference? The drilling is pin over fingers, cg kicked right, weight hole @ on horizontal line center of grip.
Hammer-Lane #1-Ebonite-Brunswick



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Re: Widow vs. Widow Pearl~Backend??
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2007, 10:16:58 PM »
First, don't think that two different balls are going to hook the same because they have the same layout. That's just not true.

If you drill 4 different balls (different cover strengths) and use the same exact layout there not all going to react exactly the same.  The differences in the covers and cores will show.  

Now both BW's share the same cores but different covers.  The solid should hook more on the right lane pattern because of the stronger cover.  The lane pattern is the important factor here.

I have two Raw Hammer Anger's drilled exactly the same.  I'm talking the EXACT same layout.  One is in box condition and the other is polished.  On heavier fresh patterns the Box condition out hooks the polished.  Now on some drier lanes the polished will out hook the Box condition Anger.  The reason is the Box condition was burning up.  Now on a heavier fresh pattern the Box condition Anger out hooks the polished version by a good 5 boards.  When I run out of room inside I can switch to the polished and move back outside about 5 boards.  This allows me to keep on striking with the same reaction shape.  This is why I drilled two of the same ball with the same layout.

I use the same exact layout on each ball in my main arsenal.  I let the cover and cores separate the reactions.  I'm still going to get a similar reaction shape from the layout but the ball characteristics will show for each individual ball.

I hope this helps answer your question.
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