You have nailed the main reason for unhappy NoMercy(and other aggressive brand)ball owners. Got a guy that swears his Tropical Storm is stronger than his NoMercy. To prove it he even dulled his NoMercy with a burgundy scotchbrite. And the he proceeded to try to play up 5 board on a THS. Now he does turn the ball some( which made it burn up even quicker). I threw my OOB NoMercy and had to keep it around 12 and it exploded the pocket. If I got it through the center oil and out to 8 or so, it would still make pocket but be flat. Keep it in the oil and look out. If on a longer light to med pattern you can swing this ball and cover a lot of boards and look impressive and still carry great. But on a shorter pattern or extreme dry (wall) outsides, if you get it in the dry too soon it will arc out, hit the pocket, and yes...leave corners. It is not about how cool the ball can sweep 15 boards, if it can cover 4 boards and explode the rack, that's the ticket for me. Good post and great explanation. Layout of pin too close to PAP(anything right of ring for most)just magnifies this problem due to max flare and or earlier roll. Al