I WISH I had only 40 feet of oil right now. 40 feet is not really all that long. Especially on a THS which generally will give you a little lower volume of oil outside of 10. The last time I bowled on a regular THS, it was a longer pattern, but all of my equipment was moving plenty, and moving fairly early, because the volume of oil is so low in the higher friction area outside 10.
[Warning - Rant forthcoming]
On the other hand, I've been on the 44 foot Shark pattern the past two weeks and have one more week on it, and good God is it killing me!!!! My naturally higher ball speed and low rev rate won't let me open the lanes up any with that extra few feet of (heavy) oil -- I have to point the ball straight at the pocket, hooking it MAYBE 3 boards) and if I miss just one board right, it's not going to recover any at all, and if I miss one board left, it's going to dive through the nose. And if I do hit pocket, the odds of me leaving a corner pin or a pocket split are pretty high because the ball just bounces off the pins. 190+ average on all of the other PBA shots basically, only averaging about 160 on Shark!! My only hope would be to slow the ball down, but I have zero accuracy when I try to slow down -- my timing gets all out of whack then.