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Author Topic: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~  (Read 9074 times)


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Hi All,

Yes i know this has already been posted (you guys are too quick for me ), but i now have it on my site



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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2008, 03:10:28 PM »
very nice video
now put those balls in a leftys hands


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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2008, 03:57:34 PM »
Mezz put your video on here so everyone can see how it should be done I just know that you could teach us so much
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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2008, 04:01:06 PM »
Every one of these pills looks great a couple of minutes after someone puts some holes in one.  Show me a video with a ball with 150+ games on her on a busted down house shot or a blown up PBA pattern.  Are they useless?  Absolutely not.  Are they informative?  To varying degrees, yes.  Britton's site does not appear to be the Mount Rushmore of figjams and should be used for each viewer's own personal needs.
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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #34 on: January 07, 2008, 04:06:16 PM »
Now updated on my site...

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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #35 on: January 07, 2008, 04:08:20 PM »
ya I have never had a problem with any of their videos in the first place, but I really likd the new one they put up comparing them, gave me a good look at how strong each is. Their is a diff in strength of the original and the Bite.
I thought my Hammers hit hard, until I whipped a LM/L ball into the pocket. WOW!

-Big Bang
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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #36 on: January 07, 2008, 05:20:50 PM »
mezz, I don't know what your statement is trying to get across, but ya I am a 180 to 190 average bowler at the house I bowl at, it is a difficult shot, much harder than your standard THS, it is a much flatter pattern. On something that is your typical THS I average 200+.

I don't know what you average is, nor do I care, but don't go bashing on me because of what my average is, when you know nothing about where I bowl or how I bowl.
I thought my Hammers hit hard, until I whipped a LM/L ball into the pocket. WOW!

-Big Bang
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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #37 on: January 07, 2008, 06:01:00 PM »
themezz - you have never contributed anything to the sport of bowling other than coming on here and putting down anyone that has tried to contriubte to the sport.

I know he will never make a video because he want to hide behind is computer.

I did PM themezz, and told him to make his own video.  He said that the only reason we do the videos is for sales tools.  This is true.  This is part of our job.  We do videos to inform our customers. Information is what the sport needs. We try to help out customers in buying the ball they are looking for, instead of something that they don't want or need.

I never thought one video could start such a fury of posts.
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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #38 on: January 07, 2008, 07:10:14 PM »
.....I never thought one video could start such a fury of posts.

Got to ignore the haters... tghey are everywhere.  Thanks for helping put some good information out there for us.

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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #39 on: January 07, 2008, 11:22:56 PM »
How about some PBA patterns?

......and include the off shots that don't strike as well. I think that'd be a more honest comparison.


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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #40 on: January 08, 2008, 01:09:25 AM »
this whole discussion is futile!

the Video clearly shows how the three balls work differently - that is very good for everyone that has on of the three already!

the Video is not meant to teach how to bowl perfectly but show the ball's abilitly and movement.

The ones who want to see them are happy
The ones who consider the new ball are esspecially happy to see the difference before they buy the new ball.
The ones that argue that those Vids are futile have made their point clear more too often.

MY oppinion:

Please all you Vid makers out there keep it up. I find those Vids very informative no matter what anyone says. Any information is helping and better than NO information at all.
And what I have seen so far I get a lot of information so why complain?

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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #41 on: January 08, 2008, 06:24:15 AM »
Good God, themezz, you are an idiot.  Normally I would explain how marketing actually works, etc. etc. but I don't think you would understand it, so I won't bother wasting my time!


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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #42 on: January 08, 2008, 06:48:47 AM »
Thanks for the comparisons.  Great job and most helpful in the evaluation process of the true differences in the balls.



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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #43 on: January 08, 2008, 03:08:16 PM »
I would say(even though I'm not a huge fan of the videos) that this new video is probably the best one I've seen in a LONG time. With all the new balls out lately, none of the manufactures seem to be doing a good job of describing how each new ball is different than the last one and how it fits into an arsenal. The descriptions are weak at best.

For example:

"Featuring the High Mass Bias Gas Mask Core with Flip Block and new Violent Bite Reactive coverstock, the Black Widow Bite is what we moderately call “aggressive”.  The Black Widow Bite expands the performance offerings in the Black Widow series by offering a stronger hook motion with more aggressive backend.  Take that as a warning. "

This doesn't tell me much. More agressive backend usually tells me a "long and strong" type ball. Obviously this isn't the case. I just don't get it.

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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #44 on: January 08, 2008, 10:00:48 PM »
I totally see why these videos are vital to the customer.  Granted the person on the video may not match up to my style, but at the same time you get a general idea of what the ball is going to do.  Especailly on the walled up crap most of us are bowling on.  Personally, I just bought the Widow Bite from buddies this past weekend.  I got home on Friday, saw the video, and liked what I saw.  I had wanted to get the original Black but decided why not.  Of course it helped that I was taking the trip to CT, with a friend to get his stuff drilled.  I personally love the job that Buddies has been doing with the videos and reviews.  It helps the bowler make a more informed decision instead of just buying a ball and not really having an idea of what it's going to do.  Also . . . a lot of people on here use this as their little site to talk a ball up to help sales in some way.  These guys do know what they are talking about.  Chris was nice enough to come out and point on a few things I should work on in my swing.  Since then the ball reaction has been alot better and more consistant.  He could've took my money and ran, but he stuck around and helped me out.
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Re: ~*Black Widow BITE Video From Buddies now up on*~
« Reply #45 on: January 09, 2008, 11:56:24 AM »
themezz - you have never contributed anything to the sport of bowling other than coming on here and putting down anyone that has tried to contriubte to the sport.

I know he will never make a video because he want to hide behind is computer.

I did PM themezz, and told him to make his own video.  He said that the only reason we do the videos is for sales tools.  This is true.  This is part of our job.  We do videos to inform our customers. Information is what the sport needs. We try to help out customers in buying the ball they are looking for, instead of something that they don't want or need.

I never thought one video could start such a fury of posts.
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"

Bill your vids are cool.  I don't care how much use they are to certain bowlers, there still fun to watch.