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Author Topic: 14# balls f/s f/t storm lane #1  (Read 772 times)


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14# balls f/s f/t storm lane #1
« on: February 28, 2008, 10:06:50 PM »
for sale or trade for other 14# might try 15# if its something i really want
also would do 2 for 1 nib if it was right
storm double agent
span 4 7/8 and 5 inch
thunmb pluuged once and mostly drilled out
pin above and right of ring cg below
$50 plus ship

storm spitfire
span not real sure id say 4 1/4 its real short
for me took in trade
pin straight above ring cg right below
in very good shape single drill for inserts (not there anymore)and a thum slug
$55 plus ship

lane #1 h2o buzzsaw
same as the spifire except layout
pin under bridge cg and mb straight below
is in excellent condition
$60 plus ship

prices negotiable

make me some offers i want for a trade some newer storm stuff or some of the x-factor line those were awesome!!or new hammer like a widow bite or pearl maybe toxic or maybe some morich stuff let me know what you have either here or

Edited on 2/29/2008 2:41 PM