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Author Topic: 3 15lb Lane 1 Balls F/S  (Read 879 times)


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3 15lb Lane 1 Balls F/S
« on: December 08, 2010, 02:49:29 AM »
S/D Dirty Bomb-Span 4 1/4 cut to cut-15 games or less. Would like $90 Shipped
S/D Chainsaw-Span 4 1/2 cut to cut-10 games or less. Would like $95 Shipped
1.5 Drill Supernova XP-Span 4 1/2 cut to cut. From me ball has bout 10 games on it. $70 Shipped

I'm trying to sell to acquire NIB 15lb Timebomb. Would trade 2 for NIB OG Timebomb. Trade 1 & some cash for NIB Timebomb. Would consider trading 1 for a S/D Timebomb with low games with same span. PM me if interested or if you would like to see pics. I dont have paypal so if you would like to purchase PM me and we can talk. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.