I have a couple balls sitting around here that I am not using anymore and was hoping I could get some trades going for other stuff to sit on the used rack.
These are my own personal balls so I can vouch for the condition and number of games on the single drill balls.
Ball 1...15# Buzzsaw XL....ball has been plugged and redrilled with the thumb being redrilled a couple more times, coverstock is a 9 out of 10...SOLD!!!!!
http://www.dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/xl1.jpghttp://www.dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/xl2.jpghttp://www.dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/xl3.jpgBall 2...15# Teal THS..single drill, no plug work, multiple coverstock changes, the ball has a 3" long "scratch" between the ring finger and my PAP, nowhere near the roll area of the ball therwise the coverstock is flawless. The ball is more teal than the pics show...cover is a 9.5 if you ignore the scratch. can get pics of scratch Tuesday at the lanes if desired. under 10 games on the ball
http://www.dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/teal2.jpghttp://www.dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/teal1.jpghttp://www.dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/teal3.jpghttp://dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/TealScratch.jpgBall 3...15# BuzzBomb/R...single drill, no plug work, multiple coverstock changes, no lane damage, 9.5 out of 10 for the coverstock. under 20 games total on the ball.........SOLD!
http://www.dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/buzzbombr1.jpghttp://www.dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/buzzbombr2.jpghttp://www.dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/buzzbombr3.jpgBall 4...15# Viper Solid...single drill, now fully plugged, coverstock needs a resurface
http://dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/viper1.jpghttp://dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/viper2.jpghttp://dougsproshop.net/images/MyArsenal/viper3.jpgBall #5...15# G-Force Solid...drilled and plugged 2x, not currently drilled, cover stock in great shape
http://dougsproshop.net/images/usedballs/gforce1.jpghttp://dougsproshop.net/images/usedballs/gforce2.jpgWhat am I looking for?
Mostly anything newer from Storm, Hammer, 900 Global or RotoGrip. Particularly interested in:
Break S75 or Pearl
Cell solid or Pearl
Anger or Black Widow Pearl
Rapid Fire and Pearl, Gravity Shift, T-Roads
Blueberry Buzzsaw, Black Raspberry Buzzsaw, SuperNova XP,
Doug Sterner
Doug''s Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of BowlingEdited on 10/27/2008 10:06 PM
Edited on 10/28/2008 10:20 PM