With all of the pricing wars started on here with Lane 1 balls I am going to make my stand and it'll be the last you hear from me.
As a small home town pro shop with a limited local population I will not be able to get the large quantity discounts that some of these other guys on here will get. I cannot order 100-200 balls at a shot and get all of the freebies from the buy 4 get 1 frees.
I will do my best to stay price competitive but am not going to cut my throat. I am sorry guys but reselling the ball to you at my cost plus the actual shipping is the best I am going to be able to do.
Some other ball sellers on here will literally take a loss on a brand new ball just to make a sale on line knowing full well thatthey will make it up by raping their in-house customers with $250-300 price tags on the Lane 1 balls.
I am selling the SuperNova XP's for $159 shipped as long as I get a minimum order of 6 balls. If you order from me and I do not get the minimum order to get the promo pricing on the XP's I will still get you your ball AT THER PRICE I QUOTED YOU. If I have to eat $20 to make a custoemr of mine happy I will do that but I will not do it to intentionally undercut someone else.
I do have other available specials on some other saws like long or short pin HRG's, all pin and top Evolutions, some used Saws as well as a couple in stock SuperNovas and a NIB 15# 3-4" pin Tsunami.
Again I will not play the "I'll be his price" game....I do not do business that way. I want to be known as a pro shop built on customer service. A pro shop who helps his customers get what they need to succeed and not just drill the flavor of the week so I can have prime rib form dinner instead of hamburgers.
Flame away if you must, I don't really care. As far as I am concerned integrity and honesty mean more than having the biggest bank account. What goes around, comes around and sooner or later the nice guys come out on top.
With that said I will be more than happy to help any of you with ball selection, layout, surface prep or ordering a bll, shirt, bag or whatever you need. I do also offer multi-ball specials as well as ball, bag & shirt specials.
If you are interested in Lane 1 equipment, look no further. I may not have the best prices but I do have the best customer service and will work with you to help you achieve higher scores.
Thank you.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of BowlingEdited on 10/29/2007 5:22 PM