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Author Topic: WTB NIB lane 1 crystal diamond  (Read 653 times)


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WTB NIB lane 1 crystal diamond
« on: September 17, 2010, 10:30:56 PM »
I am looking for a NIB 14-15lbs lane #1 crystal diamond bowling ball. I have a customer that was using there diamond and either the pin setter ot the ball return chewed the ball past being repaired. I told the customer that his ball is not in production and offered the lane #1 XXXL rainbow ball but this customer wants to have that ball replaced by the same ball, So if any shops or individuals that has one of these that they would be willing to try and help me replace this ball for the customer. I will not be making any profit on this what so ever, so if you have one of these that you could part from I would be very thankful, and maybe be able to help you need something from me at my shop, let me know asap. Thanks for your time.

shannon williams
Bowler Edge Proshop
3907 Shipyard BLVD
Wilmington, NC 28403