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Author Topic: Buzzsaw H2O  (Read 13327 times)


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Buzzsaw H2O
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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LANE #1's HybridTM Offset goes a LONG way in quenching your insatiable gut-wrenching thirst for more strikes and higher scores. Perfect for medium to drier lane conditions. The Buzzsaw Hybrid Offset combines LANE #1's HybridTM RadioActive 18 Coverstock, their latest bowling breakthrough, along with their patented diamond hybrid C/2 core with offset atomic mini nuggets. With it's added flip and hook capabilities the Buzzsaw H2O keeps your strikes from drying up..!!

Color: Water Blue
Cover Stock: HybridTM Pearl RadioActive 18
Core: Offset Stacked Mini Diamonds Within Patented Diamond
Hook Rating: 70 out of 120 max
Backend Hook: 75%
Flare Potential: 4”
Pin Placement: 12 O’ clock 2-4” out
Construction: 5-piece
Finish: Polished
Available Weights: 13,14,15, & 16 lb.



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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2005, 04:54:05 PM »
I hardly review any balls anymore but feel this ball is a great addition to compliment the buzzsaw family. Mine has 3 inch pin and 3.2 oz of top weight i have drilled pin under ring finger cg slightly positive about 1/2 in thumb quad area. It is roughly 4 x 4 1/2 area ball does hook on oil but skates the first 15 feet i tested it on this condition just to see what the core was capable of doing in medium/heavy heads. Ball labored to the pocket but was able to carry some half pockets shots not its optimum lane condtion but it was able to still carry flush hits and some half pockets.

I then used the ball on lane conditions that the ball was designed to work on, now the ball has come to life. You can replace the emerald, silver diamond and cover some uranium pearl conditions with this ball alone. It reminds me of a longer stronger Zone Classic green pin from Brunswick, you can easily step down from dirty bomb pearl and not worry about loss of power at the pins. The ball has more backend than silver diamond and emerald out of the box and if used on the right lane condition will produce great hitting power.

If you have thought of finding the ball to replace the older medium/dryer buzzsaws do not wait another minute!! Plus i have seen the ball for 130 shipped in the sellers forum 3 times in recent weeks!!


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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2005, 07:05:52 PM »
Figured since HLT post i should do a review. Here you go.

Here's the ball.

I chose this layout as I wanted to smoothen out overall reaction, and the backend of the ball, hence the hole. Ball to start had a 2 inch pin and 3.0 TW. Can't really tell in the pic, but Mass Bias ended up underneath the thumb.

Only threw it one pattern tonight, fresh for league. Normal Medium THS.

I found this ball allowed me to play any part of the lane without a problem, with little to no over under. The ball easliy adapted to simple hand changes. I could keep this ball straight as an arrow or hook it when I needed to. First 2 games, practicing on fresh shot another pair, was playing 15-5 for two games, was getting a good reaction, but not the hold I wanted. Moved down to league pair, still fresh. I was able to put more axis tilt, and some more hand, the ball had no problem making it back, and man even though I tryed to tame it more, I was suprised at the backend this thing had. Lowering my axis tilt, allowed me to play straighter, but found it was better from deeper inside on this shot.

Had enough energy to make it back where my bullet would just soar. Grabbed later and harder than my dirty, but less overall motion. Will have a better idea of total ball reaction after I try it out on more shots. Great overall ball and seems to be something Ill be able to throw well on most house shots, but I will find out soon.

BTW this was just a copy of my review from BBE, I wrote at 11 oclock that night.

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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2005, 03:03:22 PM »
This is my first buzzsaw and I love it. I have it drilled with the CG about 3" from the grip center, pin above the ring finger and no x-hole. When I first threw it out of the box, I thre it pretty straight.. 12-7. Now it's about one month later  on a tipical house pattern and I'm throwing it 17-5 with a TON of backend! The only bad thing is I didn't expect it to hook that much!!!!


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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2005, 07:42:01 PM »
pinout : 2"
top-weight: 3oz
drilled : stacked with pin below the finger line

At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to get this ball but I did and am I glad.  It is the first bowl that comes out of my bag everytime.

H2O covers a wide range of lane conditions.  Eventhough it is not meant to be for heavy oil, sometimes it can handle it.  The best part is that regardless to the lane condition, this ball never loses its hitting power

I can easily play down-n-in with it or swing it (20-5) or even (30-7)

I am really thinking of getting another one and have it drilled label or over the label
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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2005, 05:35:58 PM »
We drilled this ball up for one of our test staff members.  Lefty, medium ball speed, medium revs.  We used the Mo Pinel Asymmetrical layout chart and put the pin 4 1/2 inches from his axis and the Mass Bias 5 3/8 inches from his axis.  A small weight hole was used.

This player tested the ball out on a variety of lane condition, and found it to be best when the lanes were drier.  The ball was clean down the lane and made a sharper move to the pocket then the old Silver/C Buzzsaw.  

I look forward to seeing more Asymmetrical Buzzsaws in the future, with more aggressive coverstocks.

Any questions, please email me at

"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2005, 04:57:53 AM »
Me: Right handed power stroking ninja bowler (can't hear the ball hit the lanes)

Ball: 16lbs, pin just right of ring finger 4" from PAP, with MB just below and right of thumb, and x-hole 1" left of PAP.

OOB condition gave a long a strong look on a medium house condition playing right of 10.  I got a largish nick in the ball on my track 2 weeks in and had to resurface the ball and lost the OOB reaction.  Now at 1500 wetsanded the ball plays a slightly larger overall hook with lots of control.  I use this ball mainly for tighter conditions that require the ball getting down the lane.  I have come to favor this ball playing the twig as it will push down the lane and set up nicely for a strong move to the pocket and is more controllable than my polished Absolute Infernor or Monster Frenzy.  The H20 has become a great go-to tournament ball for the extreme angles or goofy backends.  I got a great look on PBA patterns A and E, playing outside of 5.

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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2007, 10:23:25 PM »
14lb ball with 3 inch pin and 3 oz. of top weight.
Drilled cg kicked out and pin an inch above and just to the right of the ring finger.

I am a stroker with med revs and med speed.  I track about 2 inches from my finger holes and 4 inches from my thumb I believe.

Through 20 games or so I have not shot under 200 yet and I am a 185avg. bowler.  I can adjust and throw the ball straight up the 10 board, swing it from 10-5 or I usually throw it from 15-7 and it comes roaring back.  If I want to I can swing it farther out on a THS.  That is what I have bowled on with that ball mostly.  In league with a little more oil i can comfortably play 15-7 and  in 2 sets I've shot 658 and 654.  It is my fault that I haven't shot 2 300's with this ball.  I almost had one today in practice and one in a tournament.  If I keep my speed and release consistent then I have no problem destroying the pocket.  The only problem is if you mess up your speed and come in high you generally leave a nasty split(thats why I haven't shot that 300 with it yet).  This happens with all balls so I can't complain.  One more thing, if you miss fairly far to the right this ball will leave nasty 7-10's!!!  But that is something I shouldn't be doing so just letting you know to watch out for those.


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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2007, 07:33:25 PM »
Got mine a couple of months ago.  Was "told" that this was the closest thing to a "bullet".  Use to have a 16 lb bullet, but throw 15 now.  GREAT ball on the proper condition (fried heads).

My specs/me:  old, 203 average, 15-17 MPH, 350 rpms.  Can vary axis rotation from 0-75.

Anyway, I drilled mine up with pin under the fingers, block LAID out at 25 degrees.  Brand new this ball was a MONSTER on the proper condition.

The problem is that the ball has about 25 games on it now and it is TRACKING out.  I think I resurfaced my silver/c about 3 times in 7 years and it was the SECOND or third ball out of my bag during those years.  Maintenance on this ball will be costly as I will need to resurface this ball every two months for the reaction I want.  Otherwise it will hook earlier than I want.

Bottom line:  Great ball when new.  Otherwise di0sappointing.  Still looking for a 15 lb bullet with the specs I want.



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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2007, 04:57:03 PM »
Speed 14-15mph
PAP- not knowm
Revs- med (to higher)
High tracker! oil 0.5 inches to middlefinger ... zero to nothing to thumb but does not roll over the thumb

38ft med-oily buffed out to 40 with a higher amount of oil in the middle and a bit of a wall on the 1-2-boards
Strong backends! but some tendency for carrydown after 12 games


stacked with pin right and high of the ringfinger and MB stacked and a tad to the left:
Pin = Pin
O = holes
cg= center of Gravity
MB= Mass bias locator pin
X= Weight hole

Ball has 3/8oz thumbweight and 7/8oz sideweight

PLayed on fresh lanes and didn't have a chance to use it till game three (three bowlers per lane - till then my dulled Tsunami worked) but then the ball was marvelous!
So there were 9 games played (3 with three bowlers each lane) and then I could use the H2O:

played standing 20 sending the ball out ofer 10-15 to 5-10

Strong off the dry and after game 5 I got some problems.
First when there was enough oil the ball showed a smoother transition off the backend... after game 5 it started to show a more skid/snap like behaviiour yet it also moved strong.

Then I had to move five boards to 25 and played the ball over 15 anywhere... THS! Looks like there was a wall

This ball for sure should not be underestimated!

With this strong and backend drilling I am sure I could play it even on a fresh oily THS as long as the Backends are strong enough.
But I also say this ball is better on drier conditions as it skids abit too much on oily meds...

But I cannot review the quality of the coverstock... I only have played around 30 games on the ball so if the ball shows what others have said: that the ball shows track marks and looses reaction after a certain amount of games.. ..

So far I think and hope I gave you a good picture of the H2O.
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson

Tsunami H2O
Machine NIB

and by the way... I am a "Fritz" a "Jerry"... I am from Germany! (And please don't call me Kraut! Cause then I call you Dumbarse )
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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2007, 07:51:38 PM »
I have this ball drilled with the pin just below the fingers and CG swung out to the right.  Basically it is about a 35 degree layout.

This ball works GREAT on most mediums.  I wanted something for a little bit more dry type of lane.  In that way I was dissappointed.

What dissappointed me more is the fact that this ball requires a LOT of maintenence.  I have had it resurfaced once already (at the 30 game mark) and it actually needs it again.  Part of it, I am sure, is the layout I used.  But the cover is NOT very durable, IMHO.


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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2007, 06:21:06 PM »
little update from my last review...

This ball surely is not working on drier lanes.. it is a pearl version of the Tsunami with some good strength imho

About that thing with surface maintence I have read now a bit often... I disagree..

I polished mine after 20 games using Beans stuff and till now the ball works great and I see no big track buildup.. well I see some but no problem with reaction.

Just wanted to add this to my already written review.

"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson

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Re: Buzzsaw H2O
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2008, 10:34:54 PM »
ball is 15 lb with 3.2 top weight drilled leverag drilling.  med speed with med revs.   not much to say other than a good ball for medium to light shot.  heavy oil tends to leave 10 pins im sure slower speeds will take care of that.  typical lane 1 hitting power for sure when it finds the way.  Good ball i would recommend it
doesnt look like im in kansas anymore toto