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Author Topic: Buzzsaw XXXL  (Read 18902 times)


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Buzzsaw XXXL
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »


Bob Hanson

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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2004, 12:21:30 PM »
I had been tempted to try this ball for quite awhile, so when I decided to add a spare ball I thought I would give this a try and see if it would give me some double duty.  This ball had a 3 inch pin so I set it up with the pin above and right of my ring finger at about 4 inches to PAP.  I drilled it out right before league, so decided I would throw it on my warmup shots because the house wall is pretty toasty outside 6 board.  I didn't intend to use it in league, but I started striking off 4 board and decided to use it until it quit hitting.  I ended up shooting 719 the first 3, despite leaving a pair of 8-10's the second game.  

The XXXL is definitetly a dry lane option under some circumstances, and not just for the heavy handed guys.  In fact I think it may be better for some of us straighter lower rev players.  The reason is that todays resin balls with their strong cores still force us to go away from the pocket on hooking conditions.  That is why the biggest complaint with most dry lane resin balls is the carry you give up.  The hard polyester shell on the XXXL gives me the ability to square up on conditions where it would not be possible with any dry lane resins, such as my SlayR.  Other than the pair of 8-10's, both of which occurred on poor deliveries, the XXXL carried extremely well for me from an area where I have not been able to get newer dry lane balls to hit.  The only possible mistake I made on this ball was going with a 15lb.  You don't want too much ball speed, and a 16 would have made it easier for me to keep my speed down, which is paramount to carrying with the XXXL.

The XXXL is limited in its application, but I think it will work on dry for anyone who is comfortable squaring up, and for heavier handed players who either can't generate as much speed as they like, or can't get inside 5th arrow comfortably on hooking conditions.


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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2005, 03:40:11 PM »
for a plastic ball this ball has alot of pop in the pocket.  Not made for oil tho use it for what it is made for.  good ball
doesnt look like im in kansas anymore toto


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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2005, 10:02:49 AM »
Got it last night brand new and it well worth all 120 i paid for it. Goes straight when i need it to, goes to the pocket if i need it. Most of my leagues are in a house with a medium shot, so at the end of the night im able to use this ball. Great ball and i only wish i would have got this 1 much earlier than last night. Out of all of my 7 active balls, all Lane #1, this 1 is the most versatile ball that i have and i will not let this 1 out of my sight for a long time.
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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2005, 05:14:18 PM »
Got this ball for $50 shipped with 4 drillings on it already...I am lucky #5.  Had the ball drilled straight label to use for spare shooting.  Threw two games using this ball exclusively just for fun, playing up the first arrow (which is bone dry at my house) and threw back to back 207's, which is right at my average.  Ball carries really nice, not as well as other lane 1's, but great for plastic...makes a nice strong move to the pocket.  Very impressive...nice to know that I'll have a dry lane ball, or ball to play straight up the rail that carries!  Also picked up the 6-7-10.  Very happy with this one.
"I throw ball, pins fall down!"
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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2005, 07:26:00 PM »
The strongest hitting plastic ball bar none, If you want a ball that doesn"t over hook an dry and I mean dry shots this is the ball . Drilled label with no finger grips plenty of turn for dry conditions and normal Saw hit ...


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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2005, 12:19:47 PM »
WOw what a ball control and power .i am right handed medium revs and speed got this beauty drilled last night and proceeded to bowl games of 239 232 213 on a wettish condition pointing the ball down five board this ball hits like nobodys business.Cant wait to try it on a toasted condition will post that review when the time comes or when i bowl a game over 280 with it LOL.Hopefully 300 .
Aussie Ralph


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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2005, 05:23:17 PM »
OK, I've been reading about this ball for a long time, and haven't heard a bad word about it yet, apart from when the lanes are flooded.
I ordered this ball with the plan to throw it down and in on a THS, and to help in a center where the lanes are 1/2 plastic with wooden backends,the half plastic lanes, I always come out with a pearl for a few games then my white dot for the rest, the white dot had good shape with very poor hit.
A week after ordering this ball, they changed the pattern at my home bowl, which is now completely different, with slight wall shot around 5 board, and oiled to 40 ft.
I put my favorite drilling on this 3-4 inch pin ball, 4 1/2 pin to pap, c/g about 1/2 inch right of center.
On the new condition I compared the XXXL to my other plastic, a white dot, and this is what I found.
The XXXL had about 2 to 4 boards difference in hook, and the hit was incredible, considering the wet conditions.
Determined to give this ball a go, even on fast condition, I stood far right and angled the ball off the corner, between 1st and 2nd with a tiny bit of hook, with reasonable scores.
I cant wait to pull this this ball out when the lanes dry out.

Conclusion, I bowl with a lot of hand and have found there is a big gap between my white dot and my pearl/urethane.

Not any more.

Thanks Lane 1.
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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2006, 11:33:29 PM »
Mine is the red one.

Pin above and a little to the right of ring, CG stacked. Not knowing my PAP exactly, it's probably about 4x4. This is not my first "plastic with a core" ball, so I was not entirely surprised when there was a little bit of a hook to it.

What did surprise me is the power of the diamond core...I am not a fanboy by any means, but it seems like the more revs I give it, the more power I have at the deck...probably because I'm not losing any more energy than I am with a lower-rev release due to the plastic cover (haven't found a scorched condition to use it as my main ball yet). I've seen videos of Lane #1 balls sending shrapnel all over the place and I can definitely say that this ball does the same thing...just screwing around, I took my thumb out and hooked it into an 8 pin...I sent it back and it bounced UP into the ceiling and back onto the deck. That's pretty hot.

What else can you say about a plastic ball...I will say, compared to the Ebonite Gemstone I used to own, this ball must be a little lower RG but maybe lower diff a spare ball on oil, the ball gets a consistent amount of hook unless you drastically alter your release (definitely keep your speed constant, however! True of any plastic ball but still...) I can keep it pretty straight when I suitcase it and I can curve it a lot more if I really crank it, but minor adjustments made on my strike ball that carry over do not really affect it. I get the same 2-3 boards of hook (or so) every time. The Gemstone would definitely hook different amounts depending on release.

In short, this ball does exactly what I expect and wanted. It's plastic, hits hard when I need it to, and is fine as a spare ball the rest of the time, plus looks great. If you don't mind spending over $100 for a plastic ball, you can't go wrong with this piece as there's nothing else like it on the market right now.
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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2006, 09:50:48 AM »
Plastic..... with a Diamond Core.... mhh.... I Love "IT"!

So to give reason for my statement above I'll explain you "my story" with the XXXL (happened in February this year but I have to share it now):
I played high rev with lots of sideroll and always had problems with overrection of every ball I played then... so I was advised to try a XXXL with a 3" pin and some good tw... so I got me a 15lbs 4oz with a 3"pin and 4.5 tw... and had it drilled label (pin next to ring 1/2" )... no side- or fingerweight no thumbweight either... (cg exactly "center of grip")... so this ball is going longer than expected but hey I can rev it up and with this drilling I get the 10pin!)...
  so I play down and in (on a 38ft houseshot with some good oil!) and this baby hits like a Truck . I was so astonished never played that constant till then!
(My style changed since then a bit and is very versatile now - from slow with lots of revs to straight and fast - I tried everything and I got it now.. I play a Tsunami as reactive ball and I can cover almost everything with these two as a hobby-bowler... )

as Strikeball:

It's don't expect it to hook in oil!
It's plastic so the ball "jumpes" off more easy than rective balls from the pins (I think so)
Play it a bit "fluffy" and you might get bad splits
[with Fluffy I mean not reved up enough and the ball just hits the pocket too weak so the pins don't mix good or too fast and strong so it just breaks through leavin the 1-2-10 or even "better" the 4-6-7-10... I had these with the XXXL when I played the ball not good...]

goes long and hits hard - very good for dry till burn't (we call these condition "the desert" and I have to face these dry and short lanes often)
Can play it as spareball
will last a very long time... longer than any reactive I guess
versatile within its bounderies: straight on ten is possible as also play the seven straight or with lots of revs with hook (this one is tricky though... but possible)

as Spareball:
play it straight and fast and it will hold the line (as long as it is not dry as hell there... then the ball will start to move!)
you got the 4-7 standing? aim for the 5 and rev it up... you get the exact lin of the 4-7 (works also fine for the clothesline)

This ball is the "weapon of last resort" for me! I don't take another plastic ball with me - the XXXL does it! ...
 I also don't need a weak reactive... the XXXL is strong enought (just stay away from the oil... and even on oil with good revs and played slow enough this ball does it )

You want plastic with some good hook....
You want to play the same ball on the 10pin...
You have problems with dry lanes and don't want to carry a weak reactive with you all the time...
You can rev the ball and still play a straight line without too many revs... ???
   You will like XXXL !  


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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2007, 09:07:55 PM »
there is one thing i got to say about this ball and this ball hits extremely hard.... and i love it is a good ten pin ball.... lol...


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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2007, 01:00:14 AM »
This is a very good ball to have in your bag. I won't ever own a plastic ball that does not have a weight block in it. Most of the time I just use it to shoot most of my spares but when the lanes are really dry it works great. I like using it when I bowl in tournaments that don't reoil the lanes after every squad. Having the core gives me a much better hitting power and carry compared to a regular plastic ball. If you are in the market for a plastic ball, you should seriuosly consider picking up one of these XXXL Buzzsaws.

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Re: Buzzsaw XXXL
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2008, 04:03:29 PM »
What can I say that hasnt been said it rolls beautifully and it is strong enough for me to roll it on mediums as well as dry smooth never once over reacted strong enough to carry as a strike ball and weak enough to still pick up my spares. Also it is VERY durable one lane I went to had a problem on the one lane I was bowling threw it out too far missing my 10 in the gutter and it caught a funny spot and shot in mid air across to the other gutter in the back came back looked untouched did the same exact thing again and it came back spotless besides a few belt marks which wiped right off.

A little about me:
medium revs with medium to medium low speed
4 out 11/16 up pap
4 1/8 span
tend to get the ball into a roll early

Well I went to a PBA experience tournament and made it into the top 8 rolling this on the viper pattern on pretty fresh wood.(we wont talk about what happened in the finals though) during approach stepped on my shoe lace untied my slide shoe and slipped on the shoelace at the end of my slide and never could get back into it and pulled off an amazing 80 which was over 100 pins less than I averaged all night.