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Author Topic: G-Force Evolution  (Read 10747 times)


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G-Force Evolution
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Re: G-Force Evolution
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 09:08:43 PM »
First off, thanks to Chuck at Lane #1 for getting the two new test balls out to us so we can get an idea of what they do.

I laid both new balls out 4 3/4" from my PAP and MB 3 3/4" from my PAP, pin 3 1/4" above the midline, no weight holes needed.

On the medium oil shot I tested it on, the G-Force Evolution impressed everyone that watched. It was very clean through the front part of the lane and made a left-hand turn on the backend. I was able to play different parts of the lane with just a minor hand position change, and like all other Lane #1 balls, it his the pins like a freight train. Pins flew everywhere, and the expanded pocket i had with this ball allowed me to throw a high percentage of strikes.

I moved to a pair with a higher volume oil pattern to see how the Evolution would fare on heavier oil shots. I had to play further right than I would have preferred, but you gotta do what the lanes tell you to do. The shiny surface of the Evolution was a little fishy on the heavy volume of oil, but I can't hold it against Lane #1, the ball is intended for medium to lighter patterns.

In comparison to the other G-Force balls, the Evolution is the most tame. The Evolution is about 4 boards less than the Nebula, and about 8 boards less than the original G-Force, but the Evolution is much cleaner and performed much better on the lighter volume shots.

With the 3 balls under the G-Force name, you have a very versatile and well-rounded arsenal. Once again, very good releases from Lane #1.


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Re: G-Force Evolution
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2007, 10:54:31 PM »
Let me start. Thanks Lane 1 for the test ball. I would have to say that I am not surprised but rather impressed that both the Nebula and Evolution are so easy to control.

Evolution...Storng in the mids with classic Lane 1 carry. The control through the turn it was increased its value in the bag. Plain and simple.
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Re: G-Force Evolution
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2007, 04:56:23 PM »
I got my Evolution during the last few weeks of league last season.  I didn't use it much because I'm used to a pearl ball being a bit tamer, and was having a hard time controlling the backend (my ball layout is pin above bridge, mb right of thumb, with a med. track; 15 lb.).

This year I had a "light bulb" moment and decided I could try to use the ball if I played a deeper shot and let the ball spend more energy getting to the pocket.  Standing at 30 and hitting around 15 at the arrows, I shot a 679 series with ease, and that's the highest series I've shot in about a year.  This is easily the hardest hitting pearl I've ever thrown.


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Re: G-Force Evolution
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2008, 10:40:58 PM »
The ball: 15 pounds, 3.3 top, 3.5-inch pin
The drill: Label as shown on Lane #1's drill sheet. Pin above and right of ring, CG in grip center, MB marker below and left of thumb, almost in the track. Works out to 4x4 drill. Finish is in box condition.
Me: PAP 4 over 3/8 up, tweener revs, good speed, good circumference coverage


Bought this ball to give me a pearl option behind my Lane #1 Tsunami H20, which I also have drilled label.

Tested it on two different shots. One was fresh THS without a drastic wall outside 5 the other was some kind of strange medium-high volume shot with more oil between 5-15 than either in the middle or outside.

Positives: On both conditions, I was impressed by the ability of the ball to carry light hits. That seems to be a hallmark of Lane #1 gear in my hands -- better success on light hits. The ball is reasonably versatile to the point that I can either tilt it or come straight up the back and play a shot. The label drill on the Diamond and WAS cores seems to be a good fit for me. The ball is extremely clean through the fronts even burnt heads don't seem to faze it much. The pickup in the mids is nice and the ball has a continuous arc once it gets going. It's nice to see a pearl that isn't so flippy you can't control it.

Negatives: I was expecting this ball to be a little stronger, particularly in the backend. I was happy to get the clean look through the fronts but you can throw this ball through the breakpoint even when things get dry. It's not as strong as advertised and probably kept me from buying a Uranium HRG to go below it.

Summary: It's about 2-3 boards weaker than I was expecting but I've still made it work. Numbers don't matter much in these reviews but I put up some healthy 200s on a tough condition this week with this ball when no one else was scoring that well. Overall, this is a good piece for mediums to medium-light. I would not recommend it for medium-heavy unless you're a rev monster. It is a good choice for most league shots and any other shot where heads are apt to get burned out. I'm glad this ball is in my bag.



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Re: G-Force Evolution
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2008, 01:10:10 AM »
Pin Length - 3 1/2
Starting Top Weight - 3 1/2
Ball Weight - 15 after drilling
After drilling top was almost zero and side was 1/2 pos

Stacked with the pin over the ring finger about an inch and the MB straight down.
Pin to PAP - 5 (this is a guess)
CG to PAP - 4 1/2 (this is a guess)
X Hole (if needed) - n/a
MB Location - Adjacent to the right edge of thumb

Rev Rate - 400
Ball Speed - 17
PAP/Track - 5 1/4 by 3/8


Grit - Out of Box (2k wet sand?)
Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded) - Highly polished

Length - 40
Volume - light
Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) - overblocked wall
These lanes are real beat up wood, and have not been cut in about 5 years.

Length - Easy length to 40 feet. Longer than my Havoc and shorter than my sonic X pearl
Back End - Very strong
Overall Hook - Moderate +
Midlane Read - Gets through burned mids and delivers that bit of extra length when you need it
Breakpoint Shape - angular and continuous

Carry - WOW!! Messenger city! I actually had a messenger miss the 10 pin, go back to the left wall, and come back and get the 10 pin on its 2nd try!
Likes - Length without loss of back end in moderate carrydown
Dislikes - None
I drilled the Evo up to fit between my Havoc and my Sonic X Pearl. It does a perfect job. Anybody building an arsenal should have a ball like this to fit between their benchmark and their toast ball. The Havoc is too early and aggressive when the shot breaks down and the Sonic gets length, but dies in carrydown. The Evo gets almost as much length as the Sonic, but it is more aggressive a cover with more differential and handles the carrydown present when I need to use it. It is the right tool for the situation. If it gets so dry I have to throw the Evo too hard out onto the lane, then I know its time for the Sonic.



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Re: G-Force Evolution
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2008, 09:29:53 PM »
One phrase describes this ball:
GOAT!!  Greatest Of All Time!!  

The was the first Lane #1 ball that I ever threw and it is still my favorite.  Bought it from All Star Bowling in May of 07.  My driller and i tried a unique drilling on it, drilling it with the pin directly above the middle finger and the CG kicked out slightly.  Put a small weight hole on the VAL just above my PAP.  

Ball characteristics are to go very long and have a hard angular snap.  I used a 2000 Abralon and polished it with Beans Secret Sauce.  It has incredible hitting power and creates a ton of action.  I carry more light strikes with this ball than any other.  It drives hard enough to carry the corners, but not too hard, so as it doesn't leave 8's and 9's.

2 300's, 1 800, and 289/783 don't lie.  This is the best Lane #1 I have in my bag!!

Zef Olantar

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Re: G-Force Evolution
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2008, 02:20:01 AM »
I liked the first one so much, I bought the company!  Ahhh...just kidding...
But I did by another EVO.  Killer ball on medium with excellent carry.  The
Super-flex coverstock on the EVO is one of my all-time faves, so no real surprise
that I love this ball.

EVO #1 is drilled label - nice strong controlled arc.
EVO #2 is drilled with the pin above the fingers (on gripline) and CG kicked out
        about 2 inches.  Nice length and big backend reaction.  Great for playing
        deep inside lines.

Not many of these balls around as it has been discontinued.  Too bad!
Glad I bought two of them.....
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Re: G-Force Evolution
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2010, 04:12:39 AM »
The descriptions I have read make my first ever ball from Lane #1 a great choice.

I currently have a Brunswick Fury, a Track Enforcer and a Yellow Dot.  The Track and Yellow Dot are from my original collection.  I used to have a red and black Hammer, a red(wine) and black U-dot, a rotogrip, a gold AMF angle and a Brunswick GTB.  I had first generation urethane, slightly before reactive resins, and several polyester balls, two of which I maintain.  I visit Left handed( I am too) three time PBA Professional Joe Salvemini at the Texas Station Lanes for drilling and ball advice.  It was Joe who identified to me my yellow Dot and Track are spare balls and when the lanes get "squeaky"

I will be taking my G-Force over to Joe for plugging and redrilling.  I was lucky to find this ball and my Brunswick Fury both having been drilled only once.

I am not sure what Mr. Salvemini will say about the G-Force.  If what I hear is found to be true, I may have a problem and a blessing.  

We shall see.


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Re: G-Force Evolution
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2010, 10:31:29 AM »
Good luck troy. I think you will greatly enjoy the step up to lane1. The ball is a great update to your bag. I think you will be very pleased with this ball. When you see how good the ball actually is, be sure to check out the new Big Curve. If you wanna see amazing, the Big Curve will truly amaze you. Good luck and keep us posted on the ball