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Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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It's the beginning of a new era in coverstock technology. Lane #1 has instituted "gene technology" in the formulation of resins, creating a new HybridTM RadioActiveTM 18 reactive resin coverstock. Lane #1 has blended together the proven power and energy of the Powerkoil 18TM resin with the smooth, predictable, and durable RadioActiveTM Activator TM resin, creating the most powerful, versatile, longest lasting reactive resin on the planet..!!Combined with our explosive Dirty Bomb core, Lane #1 gives you the most destructive ball your fingertips have ever had at their disposal. Put your fingers in, squeeze the trigger to fire and watch the pins EXPLODE..!!
Color: Purple Black
Cover Stock: HybridTM RadioActive 18
Core: Patented Diamond w/ High Density Flip Block and Mini       Nugget.
Hook Rating: 95 out of 120 max
Backend Hook: 80%
Flare Potential: 6”
Pin Placement: 12 O’ clock 1-4” out
Construction: 5-piece
Finish: Polished
Available Weights: 13,14,15, & 16 lb



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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2005, 01:56:44 PM »
I got this one drilled 4 3/4 x 3 1/2 with pin under the fingers and an extra hole 6" on the midline. This ball hooks a lot,and it carries really good too. when I first used it I was missing my 5-6 board right and it was still comming into the pocket sometimes it was going high. I havent bowled many games with is so I will post another review when I do.


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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2005, 11:17:51 PM »
What can you say about a combination like this, Powerkoil 18 was the best coverstock made until Activator and now you can get both in the Hybrid. I Drilled this one up label leverage as I just wanted the diamond slightly tilted to the right to see if the ball was everything they said it was. The ball is a dream come true, I started out with the Dirty Bomb and was just floating it right from 15 until the track started burning up a few games later, grabbed the Hybred as it has more of a satin finish and just watched the pins scattering out of the way when it hit. I have seen some good carry in my time but this Hybred conserves more energy for the pocket than any ball I have ever thrown.  I would say for medium oily to dry lanes with the average wrist most bowlers will raise their average a considerable amount with this ball. It felt good to not have to work the ball to get it back to the pocket and still have an explosive reaction. I can see this ball being very beneficial at ABC's this year as it reads the midlane better than most balls out there right now.

On a 1-10 scale I would rate this a solid 10, my thanks go out to the people at Lane#1



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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2005, 12:39:02 PM »
Let me first say this is my first Lane 1 ball and I can forcast another in the future.  Tech: 5X4 pin under ring finger with a weight hole.  I do not tell were the weight hole is because they are different for everyone just ask MO.  I wanted this ball drilled for lanes that are a touch broken with carry down.  What I got was a ball that is playable all night long.  I subed in a mixed leauge were I used a plastic ball the week before and shot 660 so it is by far not a hard shot I was pointing it up 8 all night with a fair amount of hand.  So I got my new hybrid and figured I had to try it so I moved my feet to 40 threw it over 25 out to 8 and stayed there all night long for a 680.  The carry this ball had was absolutly amazing while it hit like a truck the pins stayed low and did there jobs.  I was very impressed and cannot wait to throw this ball on my Wed night leauge where it is a tougher shot.  In closing let me say I have read both positive and negative about Lane 1 balls I will say this I have seen them all throw and never have seen one that did not do as the company says it should so for those of you who are having trouble either talk to the company for a drill sugestion or find a new ball driller.

Doug Sterner

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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2005, 01:04:41 PM »
I have to say thank you to Chuck and Richie at Lane 1 for getting em one of these gems to shake down before they went into production.

Bowler specs:
Speed: 16-17 mph
Rev rate: in the ballpark of 350
PAP: 5-1/4 right up 1/2

Ball specs:
Gross wt: 15-3
Top weight: 3.6 oz
Pin distance: 2-1/2"
Drilling: 5x4 pin over ring, small weighthole on PAP

I was looking for a ball to play on our house pattern when the regular Dirty Bomb was not getting there or was too snappy on the backend. The solid coverstock of this ball when combined with the drill pattern has given me a perfect reaction.

What I see from this ball is a long smooth and sweeping hook. There is no skid/snap here. Even if there is free hook to the right, this ball will not snap up. This ball has a reaction very similar to the old axis weighted Hammers from the early days of urethane. I cannot say enough about the smoothness of this ball. I am in love!

Perhaps the best asset of this ball though is the hit. I have thrown a lot of the Buzzsaws and a lot of the rest stuff on the market but this ball just flat blows pins away. Light, flush or heavy this ball gives you a 95% chance of striking if you tag the headpin. My in-house customers are not the type to spend the $200 on a bowling ball but after using mine in leagues for the last 2-3 weeks I have sold 4 of them in house.

In short, excellent job Lane 1!!! I guess the 3000+ balls you guys sold are a testament to what you have done with the last 2 releases.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Hide the women and children...the Hybrid is loose!
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2005, 08:17:38 PM »
I have been throwing Lane #1 balls for the past 3 months (Buzzsaw & Hyb. Dirty Bomb) and I would have to say that I am impressed with the carry and hit of these bowling balls. I would like to pose a question to the reviewers about the manufacturer of these balls. I was told that Brunswick makes these balls. The Radioactive 18 is actually Brunswick's activator coverstock. I'm not sure.  
 Anyway the review of the ball--basically the ball out of the box does the same thing that every reactive bowling ball does (goes long and hits hard). But with regular balls after 20-30+ games most reactive balls tend to lose this reaction.  With this ball I have found that it loses some skid, but without a doubt it has a predictable and good reaction at the end of the lane.
   I have limited knowledge about specs. The pin is inside of 2 inches from CG and have the pin located just outside of the ring finger.


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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2005, 04:59:30 PM »
A couple days after the Christmas holiday, I had the opportunity to test out Lane #1’s Dirty Bomb bowling ball.  I was at the endpoint of testing a new grip that I was working on for a couple months.  I had stated that my grip included 1/16 forward pitch and 1/8 right pitch on my thumb with 1” reverse on the fingers so I could simulate “pucking” the bowling ball,.  I’ve been successfully using this combination for nearly two months, throwing two 800 sets and a 300 game.

Needless to say, it’s been a new beginning for me.  The grip so far has been helpful in a lot of other ways besides offering a new method of releasing the ball with less effort.  Because it’s harder to squeeze the ball, the new grip provides a more natural grip on the ball, making for less strain on an already beaten set of wrist, elbow and shoulder tendons. I also noticed that a large bruised callous on the base of my ring finger is almost gone.  Note that I’ve been bowling at the same intensity and frequency now as I was before I made those changes.  I’ve even noticed my league averages went up a couple pins, an indication of successful changes.

It's the beginning of a new era of my bowling endeavors. So far - so good.

Richie Sposato from Lane #1 in Syracuse notes that the Dirty Bomb Hybrid as a new beginning of a new era of coverstock technology. The folks at Lane #1 have instituted "gene technology" in the formulation of resins, creating a new Hybrid™ RadioActive™ 18 reactive resin coverstock, blending together the proven power and energy of the Brunswick Powerkoil 18™ resin used in some of the early Zone series resin bowling balls with the smooth, predictable, and durable RadioActive™ Activator™ resin, found in the latest Inferno line of balls. Creating the most powerful, versatile, longest lasting reactive resin on the planet, and in combination of Lane #1’s explosive Dirty Bomb core, Lane #1 gives bowlers the most destructive ball they’ve have ever had at their disposal.

The Dirty Bomb Hybrid is a five piece, polished, purple-black ball in which the core is Lane #1’s patented Diamond Core containing a high density flip block and mini nugget.   Lane #1’s specifications of the Dirty Bomb Hybrid include a hook rating of 95 out of 120, a backend hook potential of 80%, and a flare potential of 6”.  Pin placement of the Dirty Bomb Hybrid is at 12 O’clock with most balls having pins ranging from 1” to 4” from the center of gravity.  The Dirty Bomb Hybrid comes in 13,14,15, and 16 pound weights.

Matt Yablonsky from Matt’s Pro Shop inside Rapids Bowling Center in Niagara Falls drilled this Dirty Bomb Hybrid with a 3 ½ X 4 ½ drilling, putting the pin beneath the ring finger and placing a large extra hole at 4:30 through my axis line.  There was 3/8 ounce positive side and ¼ finger weights after the 1 1/8 hole was drilled.  The Hybrid started with about 4 ounces of top weight, a bit on the heavy side for a leveraged drilling.

After the Dirty Bomb Hybrid was drilled, I took it to lanes 3-4 at Rapids where our Wednesday night semi-classic doubles league team was bowling.  The condition was a 21 milliliter, 42’ house pattern with a good amount of oil that was carried down, as a four man league bowled before our league.   During practice, I was playing around the track area between the third and fourth arrow.  In practice, I didn’t have to work real hard to get the Dirty Bomb Hybrid down the lane, as it traveled clean through the heads and midlane, surprisingly given the amount of depletion of oil from the heads.

I maintained a fairly good look with the Dirty Bomb Hybrid from that area, and when we started bowling for score, I struck six out of 12 for a 215 game, with just a couple plaquey 10s and a few smash 4s.  It was obvious that the Dirty Bomb Hybrid was either a little too much for the transition, or not quite enough, so it was time for the Dirty Bomb Hybrid to take its place in the bag.  

A couple days later at Tonawanda Bowling Center, I brought out the Dirty Bomb Hybrid again, on a similar 21 mililiter x 42’ pattern, this time a fresh lay-down of oil.  The middle of the lane was more saturated than the first night I used it at Rapids.  Utilizing the Dirty Bomb Hybrid playing the same deep line between the third and fourth arrow, I seemed to get a little more flip and set in the back ends, and as the night went on, the massive angle at the back end mellowed to a roll-out shape, never missing the pocket flush, and except for a few smash 10s and an occasional swish 7, I rolled 255, 245, and 268 for a 768 series.  Consider the fact that this second ball test with the Dirty Bomb Hybrid was during a session of the every-other-Saturday-Night mixed couples league with my wife, she was a very happy camper that the Dirty Bomb Hybrid helped me do the job of bowling well and keeping my marriage intact another evening!  =)

On this pattern, I appeared to get a smooth and aggressive hooking action from the Dirty Bomb Hybrid. The look I get from this ball is very close to the Faball Hammer from the 1980s.  A review of the Dirty Bomb Hybrid at another bowling ball website confirms my findings about this ball having the same kind of reaction.  

On what kind of pattern would I suggest this Dirty Bomb Hybrid on?  Any pattern that is a little tighter than what a bowler would roll a Dirty Bomb or another all around ball on.  It’s a very clean ball through the heads and the mids for an aggressive ball.  I can imagine the Dirty Bomb Hybrid to be a sweet hooker when scuffed up with a scotch brite pad or a piece of 400-600 grit sandpaper.  I like mine on the out-of-the-box shiny side, so I’ll keep it that way.  Bowlers with practically any kind of hand will find success with the Dirty Ball Hybrid.  From my experience, Lane 1 bowling balls set the standard for versatility.  

Thanks go out to Rich Sposato, CEO of Lane #1 for the complementary issue of The Dirty Bomb Hybrid, tons of shout-outs go out to Matt Yablonsky for taking the time in mapping and drilling the Dirty Bomb Hybrid, and Len Pimm and his staffs at Rapids Bowling Center in Niagara Falls and Tonawanda Bowling Center in Tonawanda in providing the facilities and oiling specifications.  

Happy Bowling!

**Member of the Buffalo and New York State Bowling Association Halls of Fame

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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2005, 01:42:38 AM »
What a load of crud this ball is a dud!!!

This ball is a big disappointment, unfortunately I read some reviews here. The ball is a 15# drilled label leverage. It hits real solid on the brooklyn side in the pocket can be effective, but very temperamental. Does not carry the light hits as stated by some reviewers. Leaves corners pins and nine pins. The 4 pin should also be mentioned. This is definitely not a miracle ball as Lane stated. It is no better than any I have ever owned. I wish I had never been so gullible to have wasted my money on it. It is a great spare ball, which you will be doing if you buy this ball. I think Storm rules I will never again waste money on a Lane way to expensive for what you get. They are already selling used on ebay.


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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2005, 01:24:18 PM »
I would agree with Bhammer. I am very disappointed with this ball thus far. I thought this ball with hook like a monster and it just doesn't. I have the standard label drill. After reading the hook rating that Lane 1 gives this ball and all the hoopla I thought for sure this ball would move ALOT more than it does. I have bowled decent with it but then again I could bowl good with 10 year old urethane hammer so that doesn't say much. My biggest dissapointments are that the ball doesn't hook as much as advertised and it leaves 10 pins galore. I throw the ball fast with alot of revs, and I have to play a straight up shot on med. oil for this ball to turn. I can smash the pocket and about 50% of the time I leave a damn 10 pin. I have NEVER had a ball leave more 10's than this one. I have a MoRich WMB and a Triple X the WMB moves way more and hardly ever leaves 10's the Triple X moves about the same as the Hybrid and again hardly ever leaves 10's on pocket hits. I don't know what the problem is, but I'm not too happy about it. I have only bowled 6 games in league play and basically shot 600 both times. I have a 190 avg. I open bowled and shot 245 and 247 along with a handfull of sub 200 games. I am willing to give this ball a couple more tries during league play and see what happens but it doesn't look too good at this point. I might have to get a Vertigo....damn another 200 out the window!


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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2005, 10:44:07 AM »
1 of the best Lane #1 balls in my opinion. I have 2 of these balls drilled exactly the same, 1 has out-of-box finish and first set with it on a friday night scratch shot 814. The second 1 I scuffed up with a green scotch brite pad and the next night after the 814 with the first I shot a 300, 279, 268 on saturday night with it. Love both these balls and will pick them up first before anything.
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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2005, 12:12:13 AM »
Powerplay and bhammer, i don't know what you guys are talking about but it doesn't sound like you drilled the balls according to how you play and the conditions you are playing on.  If you guys say this ball does not hook, you two must be smokin' sherm. I had to tame mine down by polishing it up 1000. Powerplay a label drill is a simple drill for control. If you want the ball to hook re-drill with 3 3/8 stacked label or 3 1/2 leverage, any thing stronger if you don't have buckets of oil is pointless. After this is done then post your opinions. I have mine layed out pin slightly to the right of ring finger and down, c.g. out at approx. 4 o'clock, with a balance hole. Specs on ball: 15lbs 4oz., 3"pin and 4oz of top weight. Check your specs fellas, This ball is a hookmonster.......>>>>>>>>>>>>THERE IS ONLY LANE #1.
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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2005, 08:47:01 PM »
I must say, at first I thought it was a dud, I threw it off and on for about five games and wanted to sell it.  THen I decided it was just me bowling like crap because no matter what I used I wasn't scoring well.  Then I decided to throw it, no matter what happened, for all 3 games in my monday night league.  Shot 710 with it.  THe Next league night I did the same thing, and shot 696 so I am now sold on it.  I did realize however that drilling it with the cq leverage drill and sanding it to 1000 then polishing it has tamed it quite a bit but it is oh so controlable, very hard to tug this ball and miss the pocket.  With this drilling it hooks earlier than my Uranium but not nearly as much overall.
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Buzzing through the west coast since 03/05/05


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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2005, 04:24:22 PM »
I have the ball drilled 4 1/2 X 3 1/2 weight hole is 1 1/4" past the axis on a line from the pin starting on a 3 inch pin. My axis is 5 1/8 over X 1/4 up. Medium revs.

On the house pattern (10 to 10 taper 32' buffed to 40) the ball floats through the heads easily with great recovery on the backend with both 0 and 45 degree tilt. It does tend to overreact with the 45 degree tilt. It recovers easily when thrown wide and hold when tugged. As the night goes on, the ball does get sensitive to carrydown on the inside line and does not recover as well with the o degree tilt.

On the Cameleon pattern (New HPL-9000)the ball allows for ease down the lane with great recovery if the axis is tilted to 45 degrees. It doesnot have enough bite with the 0 degree tilt to recover and drive from the outside.

Overall: An easy ball with this drilling to get through the heads with good recovery on the backend with the axis tilt. The cover doesn't seem to allow for the more foreward roller to recover well. If you can change and manage hand positin, this is a ball to consider.

Michael Cimba


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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2005, 08:56:12 PM »


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Re: Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2005, 10:12:10 PM »
So. i finally get to post the review on possibly my favorite ball period (aside from my Pure Fuel). this is a day i have waited for on about 2 months.

ME: lefty, tweener, 14.5-16.5 mph ball speed at the pins
BALL: 14.2 lbs, 3" pin, 2.64 oz. top weight.

drill: leverage drill, here is the layout:

........._P.._.....         Pin-to-PAP: 3 3/8"
........(_).(_).....        X-Hole 3/4" out from PAP

HOUSE #1: syn. heads, medium THS pattern with light carrydown.

the ball was thrown first in out of box condition. the ball was drilled to read the midlane and arc instead of snap. extra care was made to drill the fingers deeper to eliminate finger weight.

i planned to use this ball on heavy lights to heavy mediums. so this pattern would prove ideal: a THS with a bit of use. 35 feet with 4 feet of buff, the volume was on the lower side of moderate. after throwing the ball for about 10 frames, i found myself coming inside already due to depletion of oil in the heads: this ball was definitely rolling it up!

as for the ball... once i got used to its roll and found a good line, it was MONEY. Tha Driller and the alley general manager had heard about the Hybrid we just punche up, and wanted to see it go down the lane. i was rather proud that they wanted to watch me throw it! so, as soon as i got comfortable, they came over and took a gander.

the first thing i noticed was its smooooooooooth reaction to oil-buffer-dry. it cleared the oil, flared, tightened its arc and went into a murderous forward roll. when i say roll, i mean as in forward roll while peaking in power. it hits the pins with a definitive blast: please read my other reviews, i have never seen a ball with this type of pop. it hit and DUMPED the pins into the pit. the roll was the most insane thing: as soon as you saw the thumb hole tighten down, it went into it signature roll.

THE HIT! pocket hits were 10-in-the-pit. light hits carried, heavy hits carried, low pin-deck messengers everywhere... i was dually impressed.

Lane manager: "that ball has a killer roll"

from him, that is saying alot. i have no real way to just explain the way this ball hits: when it rolls up it just trashes the rack. as soon as i released the ball and nailed my mark, i knew it was a strike just by a clean release and hitting the target. due to its arc, the reaction is consistent and not jumpy.

HOUSE #2: syn. lanes, burnt up heads, carrydown.

the ball proved semi-effective in this situation. it didn't mind some carrydown at all, but was of course affected by the toasted heads. the heads were spotty and tracked-out, the ball was rolling up about 45 feet, and just rolling thru the carrydown. the hit was decent, but you could tell it was burnt up by the time it got to the pocket (weak 7s, 2 7-9s). in this case, out came the polished Golden Nugget and pocket demolition resumed.

HOUSE #3: syn. heads/wood backends, 38 foot THS, 4 foot buffer, 2nd shift.

i polished the ball and took it out for some REAL break-in, the 8 game variety. the shot is long, the out of bounds is deep, the oil goes to 7 board... its about as tough as a "THS" can get. after 6 frames, the ball was doing exactly what i wanted: over 17 board out to 10, and it got into that "signature" roll. after the first three, i rolled 5 consecutive games over 200, the lowest on the totem pole being a 209. the 5 game average was 224.2, 8 game average was 216.9 (the three being 169-221-198). by the end, i had moved in 4 boards, and moved my mark 3 boards, still slashing the pocket.

just as before, if the ball came off my hand correctly, it was LIGHTS OUT.

is the ball responsible for such insane scores? to an extent, yes. the smooth, powerful roll made for easy adjustments: no skid-snap reaction with an easily readable arc makes for a GOOD, consistently reacting ball.

 - INSANE power when hitting the pocket in its roll. just devastating.
 - a cakewalk to read its reaction, so it's easy to adjust.
 - handles carrydown with ease
 - the 'signature' roll will turn heads. i have already have more than enough comments.
 - versatile: as long as enough oil is out there, i can stroke it up 9 board, or apply more hand and swing it just left of 4th arrow on the same shot.

 - not a dry lane ball
 - skids thru oil
 - will 'check up' early on burnt heads.

i LOVE this ball. it is my benchmark, i am going to buy another and drill it somewhat less aggressive. without bias towards lane #1, this is pretty much the best ball i have ever thrown.
funniest thing i have ever read on here:

originally posted by Bjaardker, about if brunswick sells 2nds/blems:

Yeah, they're called Lane #1s....