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Author Topic: Pro Purple Buzzsaw  (Read 12682 times)


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Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Lane #1 re-introduces it's famous Purple Buzzsaw with its patented single density diamond core and beefs it up with a new pearlized "Pro Action Particle" shell. The ball glides through the heads while maintaining a strong even arc off the dry boards, eliminating over-reaction. The smooth, clean roll makes it easier to hit the pocket, allowing this
Buzzsaw to carve through the pins for more strikes. For bowlers not in need of a 16 lb. ball, Lane #1's 14 and 15 lb. lighter weight Saws come fully packed with 16 lb. ball core power, boosting these lightweights for optimum performance. This feature is available first and only from Lane #1.

Spec  are:

Composition of Shell: Pearlized "Pro Action Particle"

Color: Purple

Available weights: 14-16 lbs.

Hardness Range on D-Scale Durometer: 75-78

Lettering: Neon Yellow.



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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2001, 08:39:51 PM »
I have mine drilled label with 1 1/4 oz top wt. 1/4 oz side wt. and 1/4 oz finger wt.  I use the ball on synthetic conditions, second shift when the lanes are totally broken down.  My ball speed is 16 mph with 15-17 revs.  This ball is pretty amazing, on this drier condition it gets very good length and a very nice arch into the pocket.  It is extremely predictable and hits hard as all buzzsaws do.  I am getting 2 inches of flair which is just perfect for the sports shot.  All in all I would rate this ball a 9.5.  P.S. this ball is not meant for heavy to medium heavy oil, it is perfect for medium light to light.

da Shiv

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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2001, 01:55:34 PM »
I bought the Pro Purple for use on old wood lanes, light oil that breaks down quickly, but with a definite out of bounds.  Most bowlers have to play track area, as outside lines don't score.  I'm low track, 45+ degrees rotation, above average speed, below average revs.  Drilled the ball with pin 2 inches from PAP, to minimize already low track flare built into ball, but rev it up quick, since I need the revs.  CG is in grip center for smooth arc.  It works.  Ball gets downlane through fast drying mids with a long smooth arc motion.  Does not overreact to oil or dry--handy in this house where over/under is a plague.  Saves up plenty of punch for pins--handy since it's hard to attain much entry angle at this house.  Hits with a sharp crack rather than usual crash.  Have been looking for ages for a ball that matches up my preferred game to this house.  This is the one.  Very smooth--it goes where you throw it.  One word of caution:  I don't see a huge back end out of this ball--it's (for me anyway) for squirrely conditions where the boomers get you in  ugly spare trouble, but you can still skid out with most pearls.
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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2001, 08:19:05 PM »

Plane Facts

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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2001, 06:28:45 PM »
I have been researching Lane One balls now for the past year, and have decided to try one.  I like to play the out side line, anywhere from straight down and in around the second or third arrows, depending on the oil.  Since I am not rich I really put a lot of research and thought into any purchase I make, especially with bowling balls, and their inherent price tag.

I chose the Pro Purple based on the criteria of its ability to easily glide through the heads then roll smooth and strong towards the pocket.  

Stats:  15.4  LBS
2 oz Top weight
Set it up according the drill sheet for C.G. axis, pin out about 2 inches towards ( 3 ) O: clock
Axis hole needed to achieve Length of ( 5 ) and back end of  ( 5 ).

This set up promised to allow me to move out and let the ball roll off my hand with strong forward roll and finish in the pocket strongly with out over reaction in transition from oil to dry, and was I ever impressed !

The core/ cover combination is so impressive in the way it works together, you get control and consistency with a explosive result at the deck, the carry is absolutely phenomenal. While test driving this baby I only left ( 1 ) ten pin through out 5 games, the results were: 1160 after 5 games, and this was the first time out with it.  

The condition I bowled on was a basic house league set up, medium oil heavier in the mids and lighter on the outside with the last 15 or so feet of carry down, as this was second shift. I was rolling between the 3rd and 2nd arrow on a small swing and the ball would get down the lane as advertised then turned with precise, smooth yet powerful motion, and cleared the rack effortlessly.

This is the ball I have been needing, I highly recommend it.

If you have any questions feel free to leave a message on the boards.

Mike aka Plane Facts

Plane Facts

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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2001, 09:12:18 PM »
I normally don’t write a second review on a ball but in this case I just have too.  The Pro purple Buzzsaw has been a dynamic, hard hitting, reliable bowling ball that has awarded me ( 4 ) weeks in a row taking at least one over average jack-pot each night.  I have bowled more six hundred series with this ball, and I credit that to the smooth powerful predictability of it’s design. This ball is right at home playing straight up the “ Plane “ on either wood or synthetic, however on synthetic the back end will finish sharper with the end result on either surface producing a pin crushing good night.

In my experience using the Pro Purple anyone wishing to play up the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd arrows will get to stay there all night while most everyone else will be forced to move left and leave their comfort zone, I even have people asking me about my ball and how I’m able to continue to excel while they seemingly start getting frustrated with their strong mass bias equipment?   I have waited so long for a ball that rolls straight, hooks, then hits hard. I now have it.

I am so impressed with Lane One bowling balls that I plan on buying three more, I will be getting the XL, pearl carbide, and super carbide.  This combination will meet the challenge of any lane condition out there, including the sport pattern.

On a side note: I wonder why Lane One is the only ball manufacturer that has taken the interest to become a sponsor on “ Ball Reviews “ web site?  

I commend Lane One for producing bowling balls that truly out perform all their competitors and for their commitment to excellence.

Mike aka Plane Facts


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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2001, 12:11:27 AM »
Drilled Stack Leverage
This ball does not quit on the hook category.  The hook similarly to most particle stuff drilled in a similar fashion but this is the ball that sits in my bag.  It has a great roll signature meaning it hook pattern is a beautiful sight.  Rolls great hits hard, what's not to like, definitely a must in the tourney bag o' balls.


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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2002, 12:07:36 AM »
I have this ball in my bag for medium to oily lanes.  What a ball.  The purple pin eater has left me short of nothing, but knocking down pins.  This ball has taken me to another level like no other can experience.  Talk about a zone, not.  I'm beyond that when I roll this ball down the lane.  I went from a 210 average to 230 plus.  Maybe its me, I think not.  It's the ball.  Must be a Lane1 striking again.  Sounds like it.  Well, good luck with your purple.


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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2002, 03:59:32 PM »
Ball is 15#, 4" pin, unknown top weight (got it used).  See my profile for personal stats.

Drilled 5.5 x 5.5 (pin above, a little to the left of middle finger), CG more or less stacked below.  Light coat of polish applied.

I normally throw on two different sets of synthetic lanes.  #1 has 36' of oil with a fair amount of carry down.  #2 has 40' of oil, fairly clean backends.  The Purple Pro does better on the longer pattern with the cleaner backends.  The drilling, surface, and low flare of the ball needs some dry to get into a nice heavy roll.

This ball does next to nothing in oil, but knows what to do with the dry when it finds it.  I don't have the hand, but I don't think much of anyone could make this ball snap.  When it finds the dry part of the lane, it makes a hard arc for the pocket.  The hitting power is deceptive.  It won't blow the rack apart or send many messengers, but a good hit will be rewarded with a strike.  Many times people will watch the ball roll and think "flat 10", only to have it kick out the 6 anyway.  Along with my other Buzzsaw (Pearl Cherry C2), I seem to leave a few too many 7-10's in the hole.

The Purple Pro also gives great release feedback.  Throw it flat and watch it go straight.  Juice it too much and crush the nose.  Forgiveness around the pocket is also very good.  Light hits carry way above average.  The worst you will leave on a slightly high hit is a 4 (probably because it is rolling, not snapping).  The ball reacts better when I come around the side a bit.  If I come straight up the back, it will go very straight.  I use this ball and release for my 10 pins.  I retired my Blue Dot because my conversions with the Purple Pro were higher.

I haven't got to throw it on a truely dry condition to see what kind of length it would get, but I don't think it would be a problem.

Added 5/10/02

I am in the middle or redoing my arsenal and decided to change the cover.  Had the proshop put it on the Haus machine a few minutes to dull the cover down to around 1000 grit (no polish).  The ball now reads the midlane much better.  It makes it's move a little earlier, but still maintains the hard roll/arc like before.  Makes the reaction a lot more reliable.  I no longer have to worry if the ball will find enough dry to turn the corner.

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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2003, 11:17:07 PM »
I just drilled a 15lb NIB Pro Purple using drill pattern 1.  Simply stated this ball is about power with control.  The ball has plenty of power on medium to dry lane conditions with a smooth arcing motion to the pocket.  I was able to throw down the boards with confidence that the ball would not overreact on the backend.  I was also able to move inside and the ball would recover well as long as there was some dry boards to work with.  This ball has found a place in my bag and will definately help me win some side pots.
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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2003, 08:21:35 PM »
This was the first buzzsaw I bought. The ball is 14# and it was drilled max leverage according to the spec sheet from lane#1. I would pull this ball out for the second game when there was some oil carry down and put it away the 3 game because of to much carry down. This would be my only complaint with this ball, that it was a 1 game wonder. Of course I later found out how to have the ball really drilled and am sure it would have been great on a variety of conditions. I gave a 10 on a scale of 1-10 because of it's hitting power and drilled right it is an awsome ball.


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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2004, 12:04:24 AM »
Hey guys if anyone knows where i can get a nib Pro Purple SAW it would be a great help to me. I have been searching high and low for one of these and ran across a guy while i was in Rochester, N.Y. He had one but said he was not selling. Can anyone help me out????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THERE IS ONLY LANE #1. I should've added that I need 15 or 16 lbs. with a 2-3 or 4 inch pin.
"Use to be BUZZZZSAW Exclusive"


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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2004, 01:11:15 AM »
Your on the wrong site here.I ask'd that question once,an all I got was offers to buy them for 250 DOLLARS!.I was starting to think they(purple pro)were lined in gold or something.Good luck!!


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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2004, 01:57:30 AM »
Hey Buzzzz, try Drillwizard because he normally can track down the old saws.
KEEP THE SAWS CUTTING<><><><><><><><><><>.


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Re: Pro Purple Buzzsaw
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2006, 01:10:31 AM »
good ball. i use it mostly for spares but when it breaks down, best ball to use. i have it drilled pin under with small weight hole. i suggest the ball for anyone.
"Revs isnt the game, accuracy is."