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Author Topic: Tsunami H2O  (Read 14859 times)


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Tsunami H2O
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Is a High-Powered wave of destruction on medium to oily conditions. Washing out the competition with relentlessly intense striking power. We''ve combined our highly polished Hybrid +5 Reactive resin cover with our patented diamond core and lowered offset mini-nuggets to read the midlane quicker. Producing a Hugh wave of force on the backend. Go ahead. Ride the Lane #1 wave!

Color: Whitecap Water
Cover Stock: Hybrid +5 RadioActive 18 Reactive Resin
Core: Offset Lowered Mini Diamonds Within Patented Diamond
Hook Rating: 80 out of 120 max
Backend Hook: 70%
Flare Potential: 4”
Pin Placement: 12 O’ clock 2-4” out
Construction: 5-piece
Finish: Highly Polished
Available Weights: 12,13,14,15, & 16 lb.



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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2006, 11:18:30 PM »
pin under ring 1 inch above midline, cg kicked out 1.5 inches...i didnt like my tsunami the first week i used was a little stronger than i wanted..took it home and polished a little and now you couldnt take it away from me for anything...mine is very hard rolling in the midlane with strong arc if i stay behind it or i can hook the lane around side of is the most user friendly ball ive had in a seems to like head oil and only needs a little dry somewhere to recover from....last 2 weeks i go 259,245,268,256 for a 1028....and 238,220,258,279 for a 998...ive only had it 3 weeks converting to lane 1....
Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now!
summer league games....
watch this its funny as hell....most guys pt of view.....including me!!!!!
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~<:-0======"IN CG WE TRUST" i chant as i pray to the static weight God...======


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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2006, 12:43:21 AM »
found a used one in my local pro shop and got it for $100. my 3rd or 4th lane 1 ball. At first i got this ball it replace my cherry bomb which I have sold. First time i threw this ball on THS moved only a couple of boards. I've never gotten that kind of reaction out of a lane 1 ball before.So decided to throw a down and in line with it and boy did it shine! went front six and left a 7 pin on the 7th frame.Funny thing about this ball is that i'm able to use it as a spare ball. Without a dry backend I couldnt really carry with this ball. I'd recommend this ball if your ganna bowl on a medium-oily condition with dry backends

Brunswick Majestic Zone II,Lane #1 Black Cherry Bomb,LaneMasters The Buzz,Brunswick Intense Inferno,Brunswick Classic Zone(red pin),Faball Nail (original)

ebonite TPC shooter,Brunswick Monster green/black pearl,Lane #1 Cherry Bomb,Lane #1 tsunami,Discovery,magic zebra


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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2006, 07:39:55 PM »
I had originally written a bad review on this ball in which I had said that this is the most dissapointed that I had been with a new ball. Well I will have to eat my own words it was not the ball it was me and sionce I noticed what I was doing wrong I used this ball last night in league play the ball is drilled with pin above ring finger, and this ball was really sweet last night with plenty of hitting power at pins./ I was getting ready to buy a new ball but this is a keeper very smooth ball and a good addition to anyones arsenal, I'm definately not going to use it for a boat anchor like I had said
Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name

Mike Austin

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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2006, 01:45:51 PM »
Another ball in my continuing quest to find the right PBA Regional arsenal.

Drilled this ball with the pin 1/2 inch above my grip center, with the pin down at a 4:00 position and the mass bias well below right of my thumb hole.  This ball had a 2" pin from CG and about 2 1/2 top weight before drilling.  I did not need/use an extra hole.  The pin is 4 5/8 from my PAP at about 65 degrees.

Just like my review on the Action Max, this ball rolls great!  Has very good hitting power.  With the shinier reactive shell, I can use this on some league conditions, but they have to be pretty dry on the back end.  The ball gets better length than the Action Max, but has that same mellow motion down the lane, it just won't flip.

I think on some tougher PBA, sport, tournament type conditions, this ball will be really good, where you don't want to cover alot of boards, need some length, but don't want the big flip.  I did try this ball last weekend in a regional in Jonesboro, AR.  The ball wasn't good there at all, but more because of the lanes themselves.  This house had 20 feet of Guardian on the heads, and everything hooked in the front, had trouble forcing this ball through the front, not the ball's fault.  Ebo Black Ice was the money ball!

I feel with a more "normal" pin around the fingers type layout, this ball will be much better on most any medium house condition.  Can be scuffed to handle some more oil.  I like the roll on this ball.  Will be a medium ball for most players, straight players can use it on some dryer lanes.
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Drilling and Tech Advice

Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!

"So Many Balls, only ONE drill press!!"

Chuck Norris is the only person to ever count to infinity..........twice!
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
Inside Emerald Bowl
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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2006, 08:13:36 PM »
A winner.  Knocks the freaking crap out of pins.  Carry is freaky.  Very smooth ball.  As others have said here it does seem to need a break in period, after that look out.  Don't be affraid to tweek the surface a tad either.  Used to have a Raspberry back in the day that hit pretty hard also.  This one puts it to shame.



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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2006, 02:30:59 AM »
This is my first Lane #1 ball and after using this ball, it probably won't be my last.  I drilled it with the label drilling (OOB surface) on the drill sheet and it's been a mainstay in my bag ever since.

The Tsunami has a very smooth transition and a very strong arcing backend for me.  A great ball for me to use when the lanes get a bit spotty and my Fired Up either squirts past the breakpoint or overreacts off of the dry.  It seems to be pretty forgiving if you miss the release just a tad at the bottom and has excellent carry.  It's also a ball that I can play with from different angles, which not every ball in my bag can do.  For me, this ball is extremely versatile and I can use it effectively on everything except the extremes.  On oil, I do need to keep my ball speed down a little bit, but that's true of just about every ball I own.  

Lane #1 has a winner with the Tsunami in my book, what more can I say about this ball other than I rolled my high game of 297 with it (4-7-9 on the 12th ball).  


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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2006, 03:24:53 PM »
Ball under review: Tsunami H2O

:Bowler's Statistics:
Left Handed
RPM Rate: 300 approx.
Speed: approx. 18 MPH
Style: Power Player

:Ball's Statistics:
Tsunami H2O
15 Pounds
Drilled: Pin above ring finger, Cg stacked below, MB right of thumb hole

Well I have used this ball on approximately 4 different conditions. Light oil, Medium-light, Medium, and Medium-heavy. I have not found ONE condition yet, this ball cannot strike on. Out of the four, I would say it likes medium oil the best. But a little adjusting with the feet, and maybe a hair slower, and it STILL hits like a tank.

Review One; Light Oil
I was playing 20-5 on these conditons, and being it's drilled Stacked, the ball screamed in the backend. If i missed left, it came back; if i missed right, it held, or at least carried to my satisfaction for the mistake.
Overall: 8/10

Review Two; Medium-light Oil
I was actually able to play around more on these conditions. I started playing 15-8, and the ball was golden at this area. After a few games, I felt the ball wanting to get a little jumpy, so I moved to 20-10, and moved my feet from 20 to 24, and the ball was once again, GOLDEN. Just a little more adjusting
Overall: 9/10

Review Three; Medium Oil
These were the conditions for this ball. I was able to play 20-10, 10-5, 15-8, and even 25-5 by the end of the night, and the carry never suffered. I had shots, were normally i would leave flat 7s, ringing 7's, etc, and it got kicked out. If I see medium oil patterns at a tournament this year, that will be my money ball, as it seems to be on everything else!
Overall: 10/10

Review Four; Medium-heavy Oil

This was a bit tighter of a line I had to play. I was playing straight up the 12 board, and this ball was still great, but I didnt play the tighter line play with this ball, as I knew it was capable of playing a deeper line. So i tried to open the lane up a bit; but it wasn't able to open up too much, unless i slowed my speed down. Not the greatest condition for this ball, but if you like a tighter line, it'll definitely work for you.
Overall: 8/10

So Overall, after the four reviews I have given you,
8.735/10. I'll round up to 9/10 for it's color being so magnificant, . This ball will remain in my bag for a long while, and I never see this ball going OUT of the bag.
Xtreme Championship Wrestling

Formerly Five Board Massacre


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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2006, 05:35:09 PM »
Versatility... strenght... durability
These are the terms that come in my mind when I think about the Tsunami after having played the ball for about half a year now.
15lbs 2oz before drilling leaving the ball after drilling with almost exactly 14lbs
2,4 Pin
3,2 top
 its drilled not stacked not label just right in between the both as I was not sure what to go with... stacked or label... so I took the compromise of both.
the offset nugget locator pin is right blow the thumbhole, the pin ~0,5 right next to the ringfinger.
looks like that:

leaving me with exactly 1oz side- and 1oz fingerweight.


I started to learn my new style with that ball and so the way the ball react depends on how I play it.

you might want to take a look at the video on the Lane#1 homepage an see what I mean

I play it more like a stroker now and it goes longer than with the stack drill but still smoother than other balls (not really a flip reaction although i can force it to) and strong enough

Why I love that ball?... cause it never left me in the lurch!

- More oil: play it down and in or do as I did: Scuff the ball up a bit and you can play deeper with some good strong reaction.
( I used Ebonite's Powerhouse "Quicksand" to sand my ball by hand but it got shiny again with playing an cleaning by now but not that shiny as it was OOB runs longer as it was after the sanding but still stronger as with the OOB)

- Meds: my ball loves it... right the kind of "300"-condition!

- not really med but a bit dryer or a bit shorter... no problem don't pull and    let the ball do the work... it does it! or play a bit deeper

 This ball is good on meds but still has enough power to get the oil and can be played weaker and still hits good on dryer conditions.

 You want a versatile ball that does not react over but still has some good reaction for more oil (not too much of it!) get yourself a Tsunami!
 And after all the practice and league play I did with that ball (at last 600 games!) it still runs good (I can't decide whether it's as good as OOB as I modified the coverstock) and hits hard.


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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #24 on: November 08, 2006, 06:41:02 AM »

I had to play on/ face dry to med oily lanes and the ball was just too early and too strong so I polished it with a standart polish to high gloss..

The ball now has some good more skid lenght and also ood backend but still is smooth (other balls tend to become more skid-flip like with polishing) so if your Tsunami tends to get into movement too early or the lanes are just too dry... try polishing on a very high glos shiny state and you'll have a very good ball for med to dry!

Also I want to add that the coverstock can handle these surface tweaking without showing any weakness as some particle balls did for me (e.g. the ball become uncpntrollable or lost it's hook ocmpletely)!


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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2006, 06:58:01 PM »
i just got this all drilled last night. it has 3.3 oz topweight, 1-2 pin. i had this ball drilled stacked for a lefthander.
i did not expect this ball to do what it did for me. i dont have a alot of revs, and i like to stay behind the ball. i throw the ball at about 17mhp. standing on the 2nd dot from the right, i was able to through it over 2nd arrow on the left side of the lane and strike constant. if i through it out to the first arrow the backend reaction was insane and i would strike. i bowled 245 only missing 4 strikes. by the last game i moved all the way right over first or second arrow and bowled 266. for 3 game series out of the box i bowled 690 even. 245,179,266. the ball hit hard, and when u think youve thrown the ball to far out for it to make it to the pocket you are wrong. this ball is amazing. If you dont own this ball your not bowling.


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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2007, 10:21:16 AM »
PAP 5" over and 1/4" up
Speed: 15-16mph (Very versitile)
Revs: Versitile (Low to high)

PreDrill Specs:
14lbs. 3oz.
3-4 pin 2.8oz top

4 x 4 Stacked leverage. X-Hole on PAP. (See Pic Link)

Ending Specs:
2/3 oz side
1/2 oz finger

Surface: Box Finish then polished with Black Magic

Lanes: ProAnvil Synthetics

Pattern: 35' top hat buffed to 40' Medium Units. (THS)

1st Shift: Standing 20 and using normal release with med revs, targeting 12 at the arrows and breakpoint of 4 off of the top hat, this ball gets great length and makes a noticeable move off of the top hat. Movement is very depending on area of dry it hits. Carry is decent and pin action is fair. As set progresses, minor moves are critical as a big move can get the ball into the over/under we all like to avoid. Carrydown does effect this ball and I was forced to move inside of the carrydown or go around it which was sometimes difficult due to it's inconsistency. I found moving right and changing the release to a flatter up the back release to be better than moving inside.

2nd shift: Standing 22 and targeting 12 at the arrows and 7 at the breakpoint, this ball was easier to move deeper than the first set with the same release and ball speed/revs. Still continued to get length but not always retain energy for the backend move off of the top hat to drive through the pin deck. This was not the balls use in my opinion as the breakdown began to make the ball really early or late if it hit oil. Again, best play was straighter with less hand on this ball.

Likes: Cool looking ball.

Dislikes: I had hoped to have a smooth continuous roll out of this pattern as I had with my original Sapphire Zone and Hybrid Dirty Bomb with same drill and polish. I did not get that. The ball is ok but very condition specific with a fresh shot being it's best use. Carry is not as I am use to out of Lane 1 with alot of flat corners probably due to it's inablity to retain energy for the backend. Most bowlers will have to adjust for the carrydown that effects this ball. Ball is very condition specific as is and not very versatile with adjustments.

Rating: 6.5

Comments: I will readjust the surface onteh ball and experiment and then report my findings.

Godfather of the Lane #1 Mafia


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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2008, 08:43:17 PM »
Speed: 11.6 mph
Revs: Medium

PreDrill Specs:
15 lbs
3-4 pin

4 x 4 Stacked leverage. NO X-Hole

It's a great ball for Light to Dry. On Medium I can crank that ball but that ball still goes straight with little hook on it. But don't get me wrong now I have a great ball to use for Light to dry. Got 17 straight Strikes thru the 2nd game then finished up with 299.


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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #28 on: April 24, 2008, 03:46:05 AM »
The ball: 16-pounds, 2.5-inch pin, 2.8 oz. top before drilling
The drill: Label on the Lane #1 sheet, which put the pin at 2 o'clock to the ring, CG in palm and MB marker on the track side of the thumb. Works out to a 4x4.5 drilling with the MB about 5.5-6 inches away. Box finish.
Me: PAP 4 over 3/8 up, tweener, good speed, good circumference coverage


Bought this one on the advice of some of the Lane #1 fans on this forum, as I was looking for a polished solid mild enough to use on a medium-dry league shot without much of a wall outside.

The ball has been more than I expected; it's a little weaker than my MoRich Awesome Finish, but that's not a bad thing, as it allows me to play deeper into a block. It also seems to respond better to minute adjustments in hand position and speed than the AF.

Carry is better than average with this ball. It's not quite to the level of my Gold Nugget, Paradigm or Awesome Finish, but it's better than most.


Positives: Ideal league ball for anyone with average- or average-plus revs, Forgiving when it encounters dry, responds well to adjustments, attractive and unique looks.

Negatives: Doesn't like anything remotely approaching heavy oil and will skate badly if you have a puddle in the middle and throw the ball into it.

Overall, this ball would be an ideal choice for about 90 percent of THS league shots in use today. I've used this ball in league and in a state tournament contested on a modified THS and even though the shots were quite different, this ball smoothed over the rough edges.

I don't know how well this ball sold for Lane #1 when it was first released but it's a shame you don't see more of them. This makes a great benchmark ball and it has earned a spot in my daily bag.



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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2009, 08:55:00 AM »
This a beautiful looking ball.  

The very first game out of the box was a 300 (had the first 19 strikes w/ this ball).  I clean the ball and use it in league with a clean backend and shoot 580.  This ball absolutely rips on dry lanes, it's too much really.  If you consistently bowl on dry lanes and throw even medium hand, I'd say stay away from this ball.  

If you are a down-and-end type of bowler this ball is for you.


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Re: Tsunami H2O
« Reply #30 on: May 08, 2009, 03:49:23 PM »
Love the look of this ball 1st off
i did not know what to expect from it, and was pleasantly surprised

i had to play the lanes 2 different ways

left lane i had to swing it a little bit 18-17 to 7-8
right lane was down and in straight up the boards

for me the ball had great length, and a very nice midlane read.
It did not over react to the dry,and was smooth in the transition from the oil to the dry.

ball had a tremendous heavy roll, and devastating pin carry

the ball never rolled out on me once, and faced up to the 1-3 like a champ.
This ball was slightly polished, and held the line very well on inside misses.

it had some recovery characteristics to it, but would score it low in this area.
this is a heavy roller w/ a great midlane read, and is smooth to the rack.

If i got it out side deep on the right lane it would not recover, but few balls will in this area at my house.

will need to play with this ball some more, but initial impressions were very good.

one of the best L1 balls i have used and suits my game well


17 mph
350 +/- revs
pap = 5 & 3/8 ^
I''m your huckleberry