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Author Topic: Pin placement...  (Read 770 times)


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Pin placement...
« on: March 27, 2005, 06:21:50 PM »
Ok, I have a question on pin placement. OK, I'll use the two balls I just got as examples. The first Silver Diamond I have has a 2-3" pin, and the second one has a 4-5.5" pin. What exactly does the pin length mean? Does it have something to do with how far the ball will get down the lane before it starts to hook, or something to do with drilling versatility, or what? I'm confused, and by now means a person who knows the answers, so I am asking for any input. Thanks as always, Tyler
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Re: Pin placement...
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2005, 02:30:19 AM »
the longer the pin, the later down the lane it will get into a roll. short pins roll early, longer pins roll later. 2-3 is the avg and the ideal pin for most.
Unoffical Member of "The Nacion" until I have to shoot a spare (then I join the Team Storm).