In a previous thread there was a discussion about problems some people are having with their Hybrid Dirty Bombs. I am one of those people.
To make a long story short, I was experiencing too much skid with the HDB, and couldn't see any signs of burning up, so I figured the coverstock finish was the main problem. After some advice from Doug Sterner and others, I decided to try taking the cover down to remove the polish and dull the ball up to see if that would solve my problem.
Answer: NO! Just to experiment, I took the cover down to 220 and went and threw a couple of lines with it. I think I might have seen about 3 more boards of total hook. I also still could see no signs of the ball burning up, as I could still see some side roll on the ball as it hit the pocket (looked like it was STILL skidding!).
I threw my Solid Uranium, Dirty Bomb, Pearl Uranium, and even a Cherry Bomb on the same lanes that day. I would say the HDB had almost an identical reaction to my Cherry Bomb, which skids the farthest of all of these balls, then makes a mild (4-5 boards) move to the pocket. Remember, my speed is higher than average. I could easily swing the Dirty and the Solid way out from inside and bring them all the way back to the pocket, but the HDB and Cherry Bomb were down and in (straight up 7).
Does any of this sound right to you guys? I didn't have time to bring the surface back up, so it is still at 220 grit. This ball still has less than 10 games on it and I still can't use it!
Here is my main question: I have heard a discussion about balls that OVER flare... is this a possibility here? I don't understand the concept of over-flaring well enough to make that determination; can someone help me understand this? I am thinking my last resort is to plug and put a weaker drill on this ball. Here is a pic of the current layout: proshop guy (who has about 50 years of experience, BTW) just said, "Well remember not to use that layout again..." Haha! The guy is brilliant but can't communicate or teach very well. He knows his stuff, but he couldn't explain anything in such a way that a novice like me could understand, unless I had spent a ton of time on this forum educating myself first. Someone help me out here.
Predicting my next opponent runs into a BUZZSAW!
FOSLUCK is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.