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Author Topic: 1st night of summer league...  (Read 667 times)

Randy T

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1st night of summer league...
« on: May 11, 2006, 04:20:07 AM »
Last night was the 1st night of summer league.I figured I would use my Enriched since I have been using my Cobalt (sargie) ever since I got it.Well I'm bowling with the wife and her best friend..(hey it's the summer, time for fun)
Well 1st game go 235 and ball felt pretty good.2nd game go 279 with an 8 pin...3rd game go 279 with another friggin 8 pin..793 series on opening night 264 average...OOPS
I guess the EU just wanted to remind me that it was still in the bag and was and is still one of my favorite balls...
Of course I got all kinds of crap from my team for starting out that high oh well....
Hmmmmm you know the Tsunami has been in the bag a while also...........
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