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Author Topic: 300 Game EU (Sanctioned :D)!!!  (Read 2335 times)


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300 Game EU (Sanctioned :D)!!!
« on: April 08, 2008, 02:52:26 PM »
My first sanctioned 300!!!! I don't know if there is anymore pressure than when the whole house goes quite and you're trying to throw 2 more strikes, i see why the pros asks for re-racks
the ball used tonight Enriched Uranium, Label drilled, if you don't own one get one! call Beans he might still have some. So, here's the ball

The Score Sheet, Always gotta prove 20% higher scores, no hype! Please notice that i do have the high series almost '5' 7oo series thrown on our lanes tonight! Go EU, Go EU, Go EU!

and of course for the Lane 1 haters, my newest pretty shirt, PERSONALIZED

If you are a high tracker like me, label drill this ball, clean through heads and BIG TIME control with HARD HITTING STRONG backend! I've thrown about '6' 680 plus series with this ball and i started the year with 179 avg! I'm Brainwashed 20% more than i was at the beginning of league, lol!
Representin' Lane 1 in the Dirty South!
AK47 (Mississippi)
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Re: 300 Game EU (Sanctioned :D)!!!
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2008, 07:25:51 AM »
Great job AK, I threw my second 300 with an EU.  Honestly the best Lane #1 ball I've thrown.  I've been looking for another one, but the one I have is still going strong.
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Tom M.


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Re: 300 Game EU (Sanctioned :D)!!!
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2008, 10:36:51 AM »
yeap, awesome it was. me and AK47 are on the same team so i got to see it in person. cant wait to see that 300 ring
LANE MASTERS / LEGENDS convert and never looking back!

My Precious
Representin' Lane 1 in the Dirty South!
AK47 (Mississippi)
Unofficial member of F.O.S.