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Author Topic: A Not So Oldie, But Goodie  (Read 6764 times)


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A Not So Oldie, But Goodie
« on: September 04, 2009, 03:17:16 AM »
I had a new BuzzBomb/R drilled up the other night. They're being closed out, so I decided to pick one up before the line fades into the sunset.

I didn't know what to expect, because the ball has not received a lot of love. I'm a big fan of the BuzzBomb core, and the Bleeder cover, which I've experienced on my G-Force Evolution, is durable and performs well.

The first chance I had to throw the ball was on the USBC Masters shot in our PBAX League. On this 39' pattern, the ball gets clean through the heads and generates a surprising amount of recovery. I found almost immediately that I could trust the ball and the read it was giving me on the lanes. I suspect that versatility on a THS will be even greater.

Again, I don't know why this ball generated so little love, but I suspect the BuzzBomb/R will turn out to be one of my favorites. If you've thought at all about this ball, take another look and consider picking one up.



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Re: A Not So Oldie, But Goodie
« Reply #61 on: September 12, 2009, 09:29:59 AM »
For instance, everyone raves about the Silver Diamond as one of the best balls made by Lane 1.  I on the other hand, hate it.  I jumped on top of one the first chance I got.  And I was sorely disappointed.  That ball is worth less than the XXXL Plastic ball.

F.O.S. 4 Life baby!

Reppin Lane #1 Loud and Proud baby!

Right *rollseyes*.
The XXXL is worth more than any other Lane #1 ball.
It's the only ball I will not get rid of. It's the only ball I would be completely lost without. Allow me to explain. You can get the same result as any other Lane #1 ball by throwing something from another company. You will be hard pressed to find another plastic ball on the market that performs at the same level as the XXXL. The XXXL is money in the hands of those who know when and how to use it.
Jon (in Ohio)

I'm really lost as to your post?  I simply said, in context, that the Silver Diamond was worth less to me than the XXXL?  I never said the XXXL was not a good plastic ball?  Maybe read more before you post.....
F.O.S. 4 Life baby!

Reppin Lane #1 Loud and Proud baby!

Doug Sterner

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Re: A Not So Oldie, But Goodie
« Reply #62 on: September 13, 2009, 08:48:22 PM »
Yet another urination match in the lane 1 forum......will we ever learn to get along?
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling

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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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