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Author Topic: About Hybrid Dirty Bomb  (Read 724 times)

The Extremist

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About Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« on: September 04, 2006, 04:30:04 AM »
Well, it is like this....  my local proshop has a good deal for a HDB. I'm looking for a medium ball (if it's versatile enough to handle med-dry to med-heavy, much better). Read the reviews about it and it has good comments, so my questions are:

1. Comments about durability and performance of this ball (negative comments are welcomed and if it's the case, what would you buy instead)

2. What would be the best drilling for it. I have above avg. revs and medium speed

Thank you very much for your comments.



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Re: About Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 01:09:47 PM »
Hey! I got a HDB drilled a modified rico and this is one of the most versatile balls I've thrown. Handles everything but the extremes very well. I haven't had any problems with the cover yet, gouges or scratch wise. The cover also takes surface adjustments very well. Only thing is, is it's jumpy sometimes. Even with a low pin drilling. I can't imagine how snappy it would be with a high pin and polish. My ball is scuffed with a grey pad and it still moves pretty well on the back. But overall, I think it's a great ball and if you can get a good deal on it, I'd jump on it.
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Re: About Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2006, 03:55:14 PM »
I actually had two  of the HDBs one was drilled up label the other was drilled up with pin above bridge and Cg swung right  about 3/4 to 1 inch.
The one drilled up label would not move but about 1 or 2 boards if that and that was on dry conditions. I absolutly hated that layout on that ball ended up selling it.
The one with pin above bridge and Cg swung right was a whole different story that for me was a much more predictible and smoth layout. I could play that ball on just about any shot except heavy oil I absolutly loved that one.
One thing  though the label layout has only worked on one Lane1 ball for me which was the XXL.
The HDB with pin above the bridge I ended up plugging the thumb hole and having it moved to fit my daughter and we still have it.The HDB in my opinion is one of the few Lane1s you either love or hate just my two cents
Don Smith
F.O.S. To The Bone
Cobalt (X2),Tsunami (X2),Pearl Uranium,XXXL
thats just what I carry
Cobalt Bomb (NIB),BCB(X2-1 NIB),XXL,
Buzzsaw C/Carbide,
Original SD(X2,NIB),Golden Nugget,Pearl Cherry Bomb (X3-1NIB 1 is 16Lb)
SCB,H2O,Pink Raspberry (X1-16Lb)
And Always Looking For More


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Re: About Hybrid Dirty Bomb
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2006, 07:49:44 PM »
The HBD is is my favorite ball for medium oil conditions.  The ball can swing or play down and in.  I'm suprised how well the coverstock has held up.  I have hundreds of games on the ball and it is still very consistant.  Not an oil ball in my hands,  Needs to have some dry for reaction.

The ball is drilled with the pin below and to the ringht of the ring finger a touch with the CG stacked (in the strong position.

This ball revs up easily and carries tremendously.  Its much more predictable the the Cobalt pearl or the Uraniums (pearl and particle).

Not for dry lanes with this drilling either, but drill something into the ball, not to go to long or roll to early, and you'll have a great medium oil condition ball.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)