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Author Topic: how to rescue my pearl uranium  (Read 1027 times)


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how to rescue my pearl uranium
« on: February 13, 2005, 03:25:42 PM »
the ball 1st drill with label leverage, 1:30 layout (3-4 pin placement), I ask my driller to plug it and redrill it to pin under ring and set it to postive and thumb weight in 1:1 ratio, when i weight the ball in do-do scale with my driller, I find the original CG is shifted a lot, I tried to put the pin under ring and shift the original CG locator toward to PAP at almost 2" and it count as only as 1/4 oz postive, (I think it is because of the plug work on the thumb hole) I have no choice and let him drill with this layout (pin under ring and cg slightly under and 2" to PAP, finally, after drilling, the ball have ending 1/2 oz top, 1/4 oz side weight and 1/8 oz finger weight, I tried to throw it but the ball is flatten out (wash out and not break in the back end, even my spare ball can hook out of this). So I decide to drill my middle finger deep as 3" and hope it can save some more postive side and thumb weight. Problem is slove a little, it move some more (3-5 boards) but very easy to roll-out and transit to massive forward rolling when drive to the pocket. some time the ball flare over the thumb in the middle of the lane, I think I got too much thumb weight this time.

My plan is to drill a balance hole on the NAL to gain back the postive side weight, but I am at doubt that the top weight of my ball is now altered, (may be zero due to I drilled the middle finger hole deep). can anyone help me to suggest where should I put the balance hole and how deep ? I don't want my uranium died like that because of the poor plugged work.

more, is it good to put a balance hole on the NAL ?

FYI, my intial track is 1" from finger and thumb hole with average+ ball speed and revs, and 45 axis rotation.

thanks for anyone input.

Edited on 2/14/2005 0:25 AM



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Re: how to rescue my pearl uranium
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2005, 05:18:42 AM »
Why do you want thumb weight..? Thumb weight will make the ball roll earlier and roll out, as you say it does now. Placing a hole on your NAP (negative axis point) will increase side, finger and top weight. This will help give the ball a better backend reaction. =:^D


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Re: how to rescue my pearl uranium
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2005, 06:43:34 PM »
the reason of why I setup the ball like this is because of my old wood house is very easy to change into a reverse block situation + sport condition, I have been set the pin above ring + pos finger, top, side weight but not success (both on my Dirty Bomb, cherry bomb, GN, XXL and uranium), all the ball always hook too much when break in 45 feet but if I speed up the ball to more than 45 feet break, the ball wash out. I have above average revs and I can see the balls are too aggressive with this kind of layout in this old wood house, I need to change my style to be a more like down and in style plus this house favourite the 2nd arrow play with not more than 10 board hook + forward roll (pin setting problem), I need to cut the skip-snap style of this ball to be a smooth arc. the skip-snap always caused me to leave 7-10 in this heavy carry-down house. My Intense inferno is setup with pos top and side weight with thumb weight with good success on this house, that's why I want to setup the same thing in my uranium to be the other weapon. in fact, this house not allow the skip-snap shot and I have already post some like message in this broad and other readers already suggested to shot with straight line with less side roll.